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Tue 28th Mar 2023 12:04

Session 11: The Defense of Dragon’s End

by Spook

After returning from the trials from the Sapphire Sky, we were approached by a young noble, Tomlin Abanar, from the House of the same name, who was desperate to have us ride to the rescue of his aunt, a knight defending the town of Dragon’s End from the wrath of a green dragon named Urax, and his draconic army.
After sealing the contract, we teleported to the town, via scroll, only to find it already under attack. After a brief set of skirmishes, the enemies withdrew. One captured kobold happily proclaimed our doom at the claws of Urax, a descendant of the original dragon who was killed, giving this town its name.
After meeting with the town leadership, we found that there were many preparations we could make before the final attack, which was supposed to happen in about 36 hours. We tasked our junior officers with training of troops and construction of defenses, including barriers and ballistas while we ventured out to some mines to procure a rare ore to construct other weapons against the dragon.
The mines held dangers in the way of mind influencing ghosts, but did not pose significant challenge to our gathering of enough ore for our needs. Within the mine, we curiously found an old chest, which was apparently from Sapphire Sky with some of our requested items, including a magical dagger and a gem of elemental summoning. There was also a Tome of Clear Thought. I was granted the dagger, which has blindsight abilities, and we destroyed the elemental, finally empowering my ring of air elemental command.
On our way back, we were able to find a hut with a elderly lady, who was able to direct us to an altar we has also heard of from the townsfolk. Her directions significantly shortened our travels to the site, allowing us to cut precious time from our preparations. At he altar,we were challenged to deal with three trees, requiring meditation, trimming, and music. During these attempts, we were attacked by four Dragonborn. The fight was challenging, but not too long, and almost ended up damaging on of the trees significantly. In the end, we were able to satisfy the altar, giving us a variety of boons and a troop of elven archers to help defend the town.
Upon returning to the town, building defenses and training was completed, we created a defensive strategy and set to wait for the attack.
The battle was fierce, with our forces holding off not only the draconic army, but also suffering from intermittent attacks from the dragon, as we could not keep it from strafing at times. Our battle was equally harrowing. We were all severely wounded in the battle, bringing the dragon to the brink of death as well. Points had trouble overcoming his fear of the dragon until nearly the end. I foolishly saved the power of my boon, which may have ended the battle a little faster. As it was, everyone from the Scales was out of the battle, and the lady knight who we came to save initially was the only one left standing to strike the final blow. Somewhat poetic that she should get the final blow.
We have taken what we could from the dragon’s body and other spoils and prepare to return to Ptolus. Richer. Perhaps more wise. And with access to another of the ancient Emperor’s gifts to the great houses.