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Mon 16th Sep 2024 03:57

Sessions 32-40: Catching Up

by Spook

I return to recording my thoughts after a tumultuous time. I do not even rightly recall everything that has happened since I last recorded in this journal.
I find that the changes enacted by the Infernal Chancellor has have a wider effect on me than I had anticipated. My doubts, my roles, my positions on things seem to have shifted, often through a strengthening or crystallization of prior thoughts and beliefs. Have I become more of what I was before? Or is this a different kind of change? I do not know for certain.
Our return to Ptolus was, in some ways, a return to normalcy. Our concerns about the politicking and factions resumed. Our attempts to secure a better position, including propping up Rags as an heir of the Prince’s line. Our recruitment efforts also need to improve. And we identified the need to perhaps contact the Lords of Ptolus / Council of Twelve.
We also learned that Higara was still resistant, but had lost key ports,and that its fall seemed imminent.
We received copies of flyers that Wagner’s forces seemed to be distributing. I must admit that some of these flyers have given me pause as to what side I should support. I am torn between mistrusting the word of a conqueror and seeing the possibility that someone, even a conqueror, might be better for some. I have never heard any members of the current ruling class even claim to be concerned about education or the environment. Are our current leaders any better than a possible future conqueror who at least claims to care about some things? Is what I have seen in Glauer indicative of the possible promise of an “evil” leader bringing bounty, satisfaction, and even loyalty to a people? Or do Wagner’s methods, including slavery and possible delusions of divinity disqualify him from being accepted as a leader?
We planned a trip to the Higara region, including following up on a Druid circle that may give us access to the Feywild to follow up on Grace’s information. While we did plan this venture, we did not follow through on the journey. This also means that we did not gather further information about current events in Higara.
While in Ptolus, we have recently had a strange occurrence. We found that we had a contract that no one could recall details about, aside from what was listed in the contract, with the name of a girl we could not remember.. Further, we found a soldier’s kit that belonged to a member of the Scales that no one remembered. We did also recall the name of Baelin Dalimothan in relation to the contract, and a connection to an inn on Mercy Street. While trying to follow up on this, we were attacked by some Shadar Kai for unknown reasons. They seemed to focus on Points for some reason, and left a strange stylized Raven symbol behind after being defeated.
Returning to the barracks, we tried to track down any other leads relating to these shadowy elves. Points was able to scry to a limited extent, but no real information was gained, aside from the name Vorcan, who was able to cancel the scry after noticing.
Our outreach among the Prolus elite did produce an audience with House Dallimothan, where we met with the patriarch’s son, who indicated a friendly relationship with House Nagel, as well as a desire to place his son, Baelin, with the Scales to “tutor” him where others have failed to give him direction and purpose. In exchange, they agreed to give us access to their piece of the Ringwell cypher.
Our investigations brought us back to Mercy Street to further investigate the area. We were directed to seek a Viltho Delmourne at a temple in the region, as well as our interest in further investigating the inn.
Approaching the inn first, the innkeeper asked us to investigate rats in his basement. Given that we were interested in gaining access to other parts of the inn, Commander accepted the charge.
Going into the basement, we found no rats, but a myriad of mimics, leading us to sewer with even more mimics. Following the trails, we eventually found a ladder up, which lead us to a grand mimic, masquerading as an entire alleyway. After a dangerous fight, I which Grace was almost eaten, we defeated the mimic. We noted that as it was starting to eat Grace, we started to forget him. Our memories returned as Grace was extricated from the monster.
While recovering from the battle, we were once again set upon by the shadow elves. After another combat with them, we found a letter for Points, signed by Viltho Delmourne, inviting him to a meeting in five days at a place called the Hall of Veils.
Returning to the barracks for rest, Bait has some sort of dream and was notably disturbed in the morning. He did not seem to want to discuss what had happened in his dream, I feel like we have to see if anything happens with him.
Also after the rest, Baelin Dalimothan arrived by carriage, along with another puzzle box. He seems as untrained and undisciplined as we were lead to believe. We will start him with the Days under some of the junior officers, probably Pops, to get him acclimated.