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Mon 8th May 2023 03:43

Session 17: The Dragon and the Glass Ghost

by Spook

Mari is dead, and the Glass Ghost curse seems to be a thing in our past, finally.
After securing information about a sigil we could use to return to Ptolus from the Sapphire Sky, Grace transported us to a distant mountainous region, high up. A quick glance around showed us the way into a cavern with a deep pit of lava and a magical barrier which the manipulation of some status to pass. This lead us into another chamber with a passageway to a piece a ground with odd runes and a pressure plate.
After some experimentation, Scar finally just stepped on the plate, which appeared to engulf him in flame, but he was not harmed. After stepping off, Grace agreed to try, since he could Misty Step away if things changed. Fortunately they did not, as we later realized that Grace could not have seen a target space to move to. As Grace bravely stayed in the flames, we noted that a lava pool on the side drained to reveal a hatch leading below.
Making our way into the trapdoor and down a long passage, we entered a huge space with lava pools of various sizes. Also in this cavern were elemental creatures, which engaged with us quickly. The first elemental was dispatched with a wave of water from Pyre. The other required more conventional attacks.
During the battle, our junior officer, Nails, seemingly disappeared from the fight.
As the last one remained, it retreated closer to the largest lava pool, out of which emerged Mari, the red dragon. A furious combat ensued. Mari blasting and clawing at us, with the cave itself rising to participate in the attacks. Scar finally managed to bind Mari to the ground with the chains we had forged previously, allowing more focused attacks. But he fell to the dragon’s lashing about. A barrage of arrows from Points, lightning from Grace and Bait. And finally, a killing blow from more lightning struck from my ring ended the beast, it’s body nearly disintegrating into ash.
As Mari’s smoldering remains settled, Nails returned from nowhere, Scar was raised from the dead, and the final elemental disappeared. What was the source of these events? No one seems to know. More mysteries and interventions of powers beyond our understanding or control?
Nails had no recollection of his time away from the battle, insisting he had been there all along.
Points scoured the area, for there was no obvious treasure to be seen. He found hints of a passage beneath the large lava pool. We endeavored to drain the pool, finally creating enough space that I could comfortably move through as a bat. Within, I found a king’s ransom in gold and platinum, as well as an odd artifact and three suits of magical armor.
We will have to find a way to recover all of this treasure, but we think it is safe from most other hands, as its location is not only secret, but quite challenging to get to.
After collecting what we can, we prepare to return to Ptolus. Some of us can finally get a good night’s rest.