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Mon 27th Mar 2023 11:52

Session 2: Arrival at Ptolus

by Spook

Upon return to our home plane, we continued along our way to our intended destination of Ptolus. The Dark Dream is not rigged for the seas of our home plane, so the trip is slow. The ship asks us for permission to feed along the way, capturing a killer whale and other sea life to satisfy its hunger.
On nearing Ptolus, we are intercepted by a Galleon, commanded by the Marquis de Masko, of House Khatru and the Church of Ares. After a boarding, inspection, and fees, we are allowed to proceed to the port.
After docking, we began to search for information about Ptolus and begin the process of rebuilding the Scales as a fighting force.
We found a job board with postings for various tasks, with which we could begin making connections in the city. We also found that the city proper is separated from the docks and entry was strictly controlled, limited to those who held Imperial Paperwork. We also found that there are strict limits on weapons and magic use within the city limits, without the proper permits.
We found our first job with Amari Vot, a minor noble associated with House Sadar. We were to investigate a secret magic workshop in the nearby mountains that had gone silent. There had been no reports from the researcher, Illamar, for some time.
Within this research facility, we encountered a magical spell assistant, which ended up inhabiting an automaton. After besting it in a “friendly bout”, Commander Scar actually recruited it to our cause. Many of us are not clear on the wisdom of this action, but we will trust the commander, and it is not my place to question.