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Mon 17th Apr 2023 12:13

Session 16: Taking on the Web

by Spook

As we took some time to recover from the fights in the top floor of the temple, we were joined by Grace and Pyre to bolster our strength for the continued investigation of the Web’s headquarters The rest of the rooms on this ground level yielded and armory with standard weaponry, and one magical dagger, which I claimed for use. Our search also revealed a set of stair descending into a room with spider idols which would light up and somehow create a webbing throughout the room. Navigating this room was difficult for some, with the webs grabbing and pulling at each step. Grace seemed to feel bold enough to open the door leading out of the chamber before the rest of us could get set.
On opening the door, we found four Drow performing some kind of ritual. Grace used his arts to lock on of them with an electrical blast, who then rushed forward, attempting to cast a harming spell on Grace, which was magically countered. The room we were in, however, also sprung into action with bladed mechanisms attacking us from the floor.
Combat ensued with Scar taking the battle to the two nearest priests while I stepped through the shadows to the priests in the rear. Fortunately, we were able to dispatch the Drow before they could complete whatever ritual they had begun.
We found more items with spider symbols, including a suspicious looking suit of plate armor.
Searching the room also revealed a secret door which, unfortunately, was protected by some kind of magical glyph, which caught most of us in its effect. This room would not be opened until later by the insight of Pyre, who thought to use the priests’ robes to bypass the security (which also ended up being the key to avoiding the traps of the first room. This secret room contained a magical chime and ring.
The last door leading out of this room was opened by Reaper this time. Also before the rest of us were in position (we really need to work on that). Combat started with the web thrown into the space around the door. We found the cult leader, Latrodectus, a humanoid/spider and swarms of small spiders all assaulting us. Scar and I ascended to battle with the Drider as the others contended with the swarms of demonic spider. After a difficult battle, with Scar falling, we emerged victorious as I was able to land the killing blow after Scar had done significant damage with one of his empowered strikes. Searching the area revealed the amulet we were sent to retrieve, supposedly something associated with the Demon Lord of Oozes. We also found a magical mantle, a wand, and a magical longsword. There was a large altar in the final room, but we did not know if there was anything to do with it.
Having completed the goal of our contract, we left the temple and delivered the object to Lady Lazbi. Did we just aid one demonic cult against another? Spiders or Oozes, I don’t know which is worse.
The next day, we were able to meet with Emerald to retrieve objects we had on order. More equipment to prepare for our eventual conflict with Mari. Will any of this actually help?