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Tue 8th Aug 2023 09:56

Session 21:Keep Everwinter (I)

by Spook

After defeating the attacking beasts, we once again put our minds to crossing the chasm with our mounts. As the others continued to deliberate on methods of flying or otherwise traversing the obstacle, Points and I set upon to scout the chasm to the left and right of the small bridge. After a way, we found a much more substantial bridge, connected to a road that had been obscured, to what end we could not determine. We were soon able to cross the chasm safely and resume our journey. During this part of our trek, we noted an eclipse of the sun, lasting only about an hour before passing. There was a brief conversation among some members of our troop convinced this was some kind of bane, but I choose to believe that Akta was making his presence known, even during the hours of the day.
We made camp for the night, during which time, we were apparently visited by some blue, crab-like creatures. Pyre and Reaper chose to follow them while we broke camp. They returned with wild tales of an ice cavern with more of those crabs and a giant mammoth frozen in ice. Reaper had broken off one of the tusks, attesting to the size and truth of his tale. Although we all wonder if they were embellishing the tale with stories of a giant ice crab creature within the caves, as well.
Heavy clouds hung across the sky as we eventually came to the first signs of our destination, a series of villages along the road as we caught our first sight of Keep Everwinter.
Passing through the final town before the keep, we found stabling for our mounts and cart before heading towards the keep. Upon reaching the keep, we were greeted with the most curious of sights. Keep Everwinter had the appearance of a giant, gingerbread castle, complete with candy decor and a chocolate drawbridge. As we approached closer, we found the drawbridge guarded by what appeared to be gingerbread statues, which animated and attacked as we drew close. After a brief fight, we attempted to gain entry to the castle. Pyre was able to melt the candy portcullis, allowing us entry within. Unfortunately, the next chamber was trapped with cotton candy and peppermint spikes. After retreating from this entry, I scouted the rest of the castle, finding a hole in the candy roof shingles.
Further exploration of the hole showed us what appeared to be a kitchen of sorts, the walls lined with three large gingerbread men, and a giant gingerbread man was “cooling” in the middle of the room. A battle ensued as we attempted to enter, with us dispatching the animated baked goods, but taking enough out of us to consider resting before pushing forward.