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Mon 27th Mar 2023 11:54

Session 5: An Old Temple and a Mad Celestial

by Spook

I give a summary of Creep’s report and my own findings to the Senior leadership, emphasizing that we have been taking jobs without paying attention to the political repercussions of the loyalties we may be displaying along the way.
I have become nervous about the instability of this city, and how we may trigger the ire of a powerful house without even knowing it. Even more nerve wracking is the information that there are supporters of St. Wagner within the city power structure.
I begin to see eyes all about us, and grow uncomfortable with our open ways. Commander assures us that we need to stay visible in order to grow our troops and secure jobs. I am afraid our ignorance will land us in places we do not want to be.
We have begun to establish our Days and Junior officers at the Ghostly Minstrel, while the officers have chosen to take residence at The Griffon, a more upscale establishment not far away.
A small job, finding the father of a young woman, leads us to an old temple within the city. Abandoned, except for strange statues, we found that there was a large idol within that would petrify anyone in the courtyard. Commander Scar found that break plaques would free the petrified victims, and we found a curious puzzle box with a strange coin and crystal within the chamber past the statue.
Freeing the victims did gain us a few new days.
On our way home from the brief job, we ran across chaos in the streets with all sorts of wild magic occurring, including a shape changed black dragon, to which I delivered the final blow, reverting it back to a dwarf. The source of this chaos turned out to be a crazed celestial being, which almost killed me as I tried to slow its path. I’m not sure what came into me for the act of heroic sacrifice, we were not on contract to deal with this being…
The being spoke of wards being broken and the need for the restoration of something he called the Ringwell.
We were celebrated for aiding in quieting the chaos. I suppose you don’t always need a contract for reward, although in retrospect, I don’t think we should make a habit of going into danger without a clear contract.
These actions also drew the notice of two employers. One Jebica Nor, of the Inverted Pyramid, asking us to investigate this Ringwell. The other Brother Thisk, of the Church of Lothian, who wanted us to find a missing paladin, Lady Orozivaar. Commander Scar accepted both of these tasks, as they seemed to overlap in many ways.