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Mon 27th Mar 2023 11:50

Session 1: Flight and a New Beginning

by Spook

I start this journal as we escape the city of Blackbottom, being pursued by St. Wagner’s forces.
I find myself elevated to the Senior leadership, saddened by the loss of our Commander Sparkle and other senior members creating the spot for me. I am humbled by the choice to elevate me to this position, and will serve Commander Scar to the best of my capacity. He does not seem overly bright, but he seems to make for this with valor and earnestness.
Our flight from the city on the Squall Chaser, captained by Capt. Ariane, was complicated by chase given by three fast pursuit boats. Capt. Ariane decided to make for the Maelstrom to escape our pursuers while we tried to fight them off. As we dispatched the attackers, we dipped into the heart of the Maelstrom, passing somehow into the Astral Plane.
Such a serene existence we discovered on the Astral Sea, slowly making our way to another portal back to our world. We encountered a pod of Kindori, whale-like creatures of the Astral Sea, visions of beauty and grace.
The peace of our journey was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a living, tentacled ship, which we later found out was named the Somnium Tenebrous, or Dark Dream. Crewed by Dueregar, they attacked us from out of nowhere. After fighting off the boarding party, we were able to board the Dark Dream and capture it for our own. We discovered records that indicated that these raiders were sent to pursue us by St. Wagner. We also found an imprisoned Gith warrior and Illithid. We chose to aid the Gith, who promptly killed the Illithid. The Gith warrior, Lurk, accepted a position in the Scales as a junior officer, and agreed to help us by “piloting” this living ship back to our home plane.