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Tue 28th Mar 2023 12:06

Session 14: Hoard of the Blue Dragon

by Spook

We found ourselves in the aftermath of the Brood Ball, still somewhat numb from the events and ensuing combat. Going through the mansion, we found books on Necromancy and Botany, with notes somehow combining them. We could find no other connection to Von Glauer, but did find a crystal ball, which explains how they found me, at least to some extent. But how did they know to seek me out? After collecting the rest of what was valuable in the house, we left this whole episode behind us, hopefully for good.
On awakening, we had a visit from an emissary from the Black Iron Pact. He identified himself as the Master of Jackals. He appeared to be a monk by training, and it seems that news of our prior run in with their other agents has not gone unnoticed. If he truly is a Master, then he is no one to be trifled with. But his mission was not one of violence or conflict, but of understanding our contractual obligations and other affiliations. He seemed to consider the relative value of the St. Wagner’s pet mage against our position of control and strength concerning access to the Ringwell. He left without commitment, but he seemed to be taking things under consideration.
After his departure, we received an invitation to a Winter Solstice celebration, scheduled to happen in about 2 weeks’ time. The travel to this noble’s holdings would take as many as 10 days. We do not know this Countess Nadezhda Kobuzev. We discussed this trip for quite a while, ultimately judging that we needed to complete matters with the Glass Ghost and Mari before embarking.
Going after Mari, or whatever her real Draconic name is. That still seems like suicide. Definitely it something we would do without Reaper or Bait available.
Instead, we heard of an odd arrangement another dragon had set a small distance from Ptolus, basically inviting people to try to raid their treasure for the chance to hunt them. I suppose even ancient creatures need to find their amusements in different ways. Having no other prospects for immediate action, we agreed to give the contest a try.
Racing around with a blue dragon hunting us is not my idea of good decision making, but our crew was going, so I contributed. Perhaps we could find something of use against Mari. The chase was harrowing, contending it only with a burrowing dragon, but also with a variety of traps. Scar was amazing, calling the dragon out and facing its breath multiple times, buying time for others to move about. I was able to make use of magic enhanced speed from Grace to collect a huge haul of potions and other interesting items, but almost getting caught by the dragon when others were far away. I really need to reevaluate all these tussles with dragons, two of the last three times, I was one mistake, one slight change, away from death. And the other time, we only really escaped death on Mari’s choice to escape.
We return to the city all intact, although Points required resuscitation during the dragon run. We now will further prepare and examine our plans for facing the red dragon, and hopefully ending the Glass Ghost’s curses. I hope we will survive what will be a fourth encounter with a great dragon in such a short time. We really are pushing our luck with this, and I also hope that the teleportation symbol does not lead us to her lair. We must also think how to keep her engaged and not run, as she seems wont to do. If we use our expendables and she runs, we will be even farther from being able to defeat her.