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Tue 28th Mar 2023 12:00

Session 9: The Library, Red Falcons, and Twelve Dragons

by Spook

We met with Ilthilwyth, from the Courier’s Guild and continued negotiations towards finding the courier and scroll for their “project” for House Nagel.
In the meanwhile, we attempted to track down Brother Gabadon. Reaper is particularly interested in finding this man, and any other leads to other pieces of this armor. No one at the Temple of Vulcan knew of his location. One priest had said he heard of “Gabadon the Galant”, but nothing else of him. We also inquired with Emerald, who also knew nothing of this man. She offered to send out some feelers. While we were there, I gave her 4 vials of Purple Worm blood for keeping towards future costs of goods and services.
Ithilwyth has come through for use, securing an old barracks as compensation for the task, as well as conveying a mystery box from Lady Nagel, who seems to have an interest in us keeping the Ringwell secure, as well as investigating it further.
Reaper and Bait were the ones to solve this box, finding a companion to the piece we found before, forming some kind of cypher key.
We proceeded to the island with the library and easily gained access to the catacombs below. Tracking the scroll down was interrupted by some undead and a gelatinous cube creature, but we finally found the injured courier, who still had the scroll.
As we prepared to exit the catacombs, we learned that both the Red Falcons (the Prince’s police on the island) and some elite forces from House Dallimothan, The Twelve Dragons, had plans to intercept us.
After conveying the scroll to Creeps via the Diplomat Pouch, we decided that talking was the best option. The Red Falcons actually seemed to be quite accommodating, merely wanted to escort us off of the island for bringing unlicensed weapons with us. The Twelve Dragons, however, were much less friendly. It is unclear exactly what their interest is with us, but it appears that they believe the Scales are trying to enter the game for the Prince’s lands by claiming the island – it’s a good thing we did not chose that as the reward for this task.
It did appear that we were going to have a conflict, with a Blue Dragon on their side, no less, when some more of our wayward Scales showed up. Lady, and a full unit of our elite infantry appeared to back us up, apparently at the intervention of the Navy, therefore House Khatru.
The Twelve Dragons backed off, not wanting a full scale battle, but they occupied the lands around the library.
We were allowed off of the island by the Red Falcons, and were given badges denoting us as Knights of the Prince – I’m not sure if this is a good thing, but at least there is no Prince or Regent who we are actually beholden to, odd arrangement, to say the least.
So now we have an old barrack in the Temple District to occupy, and the Ringwell for further investigate with this cypher.
We are clearly at least seen as pawns in the Game for the Prince’s power. House Khatru believes they have used us in some way on the island. House Dallimothan believes we strive for power for ourselves, or as a pawn. We step into further into dangerous tides.
We have engaged Creeps to look into Gabadon sightings, as well as Worms to search for more information on the artifacts of Zevadon.
I also think we need to see if Creeps can install spies into the households of Khatru, Nagel and Dallimothan, at the least if not others (if he hasn’t already done so).