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Mon 18th Sep 2023 02:13

Session 24: Into the Mists

by Spook

After our return to the barracks, we took a brief time to receive reports from the Junior Officers, finding most things unchanged in Ptolus since our departure. The city continues to stand on the threshold of open hostility, but remaining precariously balanced for now. We also heard reports of both pro and anti Wagner propaganda circulating.
In the downtime of us settling in from our journey, many of us were able to complete our training in various new skills.
I was finally able to retrieve the dagger from Emerald. I believe Grace was able to pick up some new armor on the trip as well. Reaper and I did some trading of other items, with me giving him a magic longsword and cloak of protection, and him giving me the Scimitar of Sharpness. I will miss that cloak (again), but I can only make use of so many items. Grace was a little shocked when I bound the scimitar with the shadows, he always seems to raise an eyebrow at some of my abilities. I also gave Bait my old Dagger of Blindsight, as I have plenty of other daggers to fit my brace.
I opened the letter that had arrived by courier. Sealed with the signet of von Glauer, it was an invitation of sorts from a Lady Elara von Glauer, suggesting a meeting with Severin Blackthorne, an advisor of the former Count. This man must be over a hundred years old at this point, either through magical means, or perhaps he is of mixed heritage.
As senior officers met to review our situation and next steps, we discussed many things.
We found out that the Siege of Higara, to the far east, has been going poorly for its defenders, meaning that Wagner again is probably growing in power.
Closer to home we discussed the management of the apartments in the lower quarter, the old temple in the Warrens, and continued efforts to gain advantage and information among the other noble houses. We discussed that the remaining houses of Dalimothan, Sadar, Rau, and Khatru still are likely to hold the other keys to the Ringwell, and that we needed to find more influence or connection with them if we want to solve that particular riddle.
There was also the matter of a message Grace received from someone in the Feywild. Supposedly, Wagner has turned his interest to parties on that plane, as well. The details were sparse, but he feels that we need to find a way to the Feywild to assist, or find work there, in some way.
After full discussion, we chose to pursue the von Glauer message first, as this could give us valuable resources or access to other influences in the world. We departed on the Somnium Tenebrous, planning to travel by the Astral Sea to cross the world in a fraction of the time. During the uneventful trip, Bait attempted to get more information on the mirror that held Vitaea. He found that this mirror had been crafted by Vitaea, but somehow altered by the wizard Mortiz to trap him within. We all wondered if Mortiz were actually dead, or if the Black Iron Pact restored him after we were allowed to complete the contract.
The Somnium Tenebrous exited the Astral plane not too far from the coast, and we were able to come to shore in short order. We found a small fishing town, one which used to benefit from the influence of the old Count von Glauer, but had fallen on harder times since his passing. I counted it a small favor that no one seemed to connect the Scales of the present with our predecessors, who had been instrumental in the Count’s demise.
We quickly purchased some mounts and began to make our way into the mountains in search of the Glauer lands. As we made our way closer, the mists began to thicken, shortening vision and deadening noises. As we passed through, we were set upon by a pack of Displacer Beasts, which we drove off after killing a few of their number. After progressing deeper into the mists, we came upon a wall with an opening blocked by a group of reddish hobgoblinoid demihumans. Commander Scar detected no fiends or fey among them, but our attempt to speak and gain passage was quickly rebuffed. They declared that the lands were under the rule of the Bloodlord Varrox, and that we should turn around and leave.
We did turn around, but then decided to scale the wall a ways down and try to find out more of what was happening within Glauer. After cresting the wall, we began to walk, but found the mist began to thicken even more, robbing us of direction or a clear path. As I reached for the Rod of von Glauer, the others became more lost. Reaper began to wander. Bait turned in circles, and Commander stood stock still, trying to find his way. The rod, however, was able to give me clear sight of my companions, and I ran to fetch Reaper before we lost him to the mists. The rod also showed me a clear path through the mists, a path we could follow through to a break in the heavy shroud, where we could see our first glimpses of the town I had seen in my visions, and a hint of the Castle von Glauer in the distance.