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Tue 28th Mar 2023 12:05

Session 13: The Brood Ball

by Spook

Reaper had another Glass Ghost dream, he actually talked, for once, before swinging. It seems that the stories of the ghost are mostly true, but that the innkeeper in question was none other than the red dragon, Mari. He seems to think that the only way for us to be rid of the Glass ghost for good is to defeat Mari. A tall order, seeing how she is so powerful a foe, that nearly killed all of us in an instant. Reaper also received a teleport signal that appears to be linked to the dragon, and most of the Scales officers seem up for such a task. I am not so sure.
Dreams are odd. I had a dream about flying above a town with a populace existing a dull reality. I get the impression this is related to von Glauer in some way. A message, perhaps.
More related to von Glauer, we (I) received an invitation to the Brood Ball, being held by a socialite, the invitation addressed to the heir of von Glauer. I don’t pretend to understand everything that happened, but we became involved in some sort of blood ritual, and one of the participants entreated me to surrender the Rod so that they may bring von Glauer back. I am not sure if they were actually able to due such a thing, or were simply coveting the artifact. The battle was bloody, literally, between two of these vampiric hulks and our party. Pyre died at the hands of one of the fiends, requiring raising by Bait. At the height of the battle, something overcame me, causing me to become a blur on the battlefield, killing one of the hulks, and gravely wounding the other, before coming to my senses. The power was intoxicating, but the lack of control over my actions was worrisome. Von Glauer, I think, somehow invested more power into me, he didn’t seem to like the idea of us losing to the vampiric beasts. Now, I must seek to master how to tap into this power and control it, if it is to help the Scales.