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Mon 27th Mar 2023 11:58

Session 8: Brother Gabadon

by Spook

While we were exploring under the butcher shop, Scar and Grace had an encounter with a possible new patron, a Marcellus Scipio, from the Sapphire Sky. They appeared to have more information on the Ringwell, and Scar seems to think they are trustworthy.
In meeting Marcellus for myself, he seems to have a negative attitude towards the Inverted Pyramid (“not altruistic”), and views the church’s involvement with the Ringwell as “problematic”. They are clear enemies of the Black Iron Pact, which automatically raises them to some extent. The Sapphire Sky has also offered to procure other magic items for us and requested a list.
The Sapphire Sky was able to provide a Psionic crystal dragon scale, which emanbled us to breach the prison of Lady de Ellezana. She provided us with some additional information on the Ringwell, after which, she took her leave of us. I was able to secure a contact with a Diplomacy Pouch associated with her, in case of future needs.
Also in this trip into the Ringwell, we were able to breach the barrier around the rod. Bait was brave enough to cast a translation spell on the plaque, and I remembered some research from the Chronicles which provided the password to claim the rod.
In this time, we were approached by another prospective employer, Brother Gabadon, claiming to be from the Church of Vulcan. He entreated us to track down a devil, Kevail, who apparently had stolen pieces of the Armor of Zevellon. He promised us magic items in return for this task, which was accepted fairly eagerly. Unfortunately, Brother Gabadon, who was already in possession of one piece of this armor, had actually made a deal with this devil to offer us as sacrifice in exchange for the gloves. I believe the devil had other ideas, and Brother Gabadon ended up disappearing, leaving us to fight the devil. After a tough fight, one in which I, again, struck the final blow, we were able to retrieve the gloves from the devil. Unfortunately, his body disappeared before I could harvest its eyes for Miss Emerald.
I am once again irked by the lack of a magical weapon to bring my full skills to bear for this fight. I also only have 3 magic arrows left, which will soon see me without good options to deal with certain monsters, except for my own monk abilities.
After some discussion, Reaper claimed the Grasps of Zevellon, mainly because he attuned to them and would not give them up afterwards. These also were armor and would hinder many of my abilities. Too bad, as the power they offered to augment my attacks would have been substantial, otherwise.
Reaper continues to mystify me as a barbarian who seems drawn to magical items. But these things are making him a more powerful companion, so this will be beneficial in the long run.
On return to the city, we were contacted by another potential employer, the Honorable Perisivant Ithilwyth, who claimed to be a member of the Royal Heraldric Society, trying to obtain paperwork to connect a client to his rightful claim to title and deed of lands. We have initially agreed to the job with the promise of a boon from the house he represents, but would not name.
Later that evening, a new member of our network, a beautiful woman named Orlandria de Guetti, contacted me with information from Creeps, that our new client is perhaps not so legitimate in his business, but does have associations with House Nagel. I assume we will still take the job, but that is for the Commander to decide. It does appear to likely involve undead in a mausoleum.
Initially, we were going to ask for land and a base of operations, but House Nagel is one of the houses with a potential key to the rest of the Ringwell, and perhaps we can secure that item instead. I mentioned this to Scar before turning in for the night.
Then again, perhaps this is not the best course of action, as we may be telling them they hold something of value to us that they did not realize previously.