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Sun 12th Nov 2023 01:21

Session 26: The People of Glauer

by Spook

Continuing on to the town, we encountered no more resistance. We did, however, note the howls of wolves seeming from all directions. Once within the seeming safety of the town, we set upon making contact with someone who could provide more local information and guidance.
We did not anticipate, however, that the people of Glauer would have such long memories. Their looks at our colors and Company insignias immediately told us that the people here did not forget the mercenaries who were central in their leader’s demise hundreds of years ago. Soon, we found the town square empty, and the doors to even common buildings sealed against us.
A lone urchin caught our eye and beckoned us to follow. With wariness for traps or ambush in mind, we followed him to an old cathedral, seemingly dedicated to an unknown, ancient sun god. Strange in such a place of eternal mists and twilight. Within, we found a lone figure, waiting for us near the altar.
He welcomed us, and introduced himself as Severin Blackthorne, the count’s former advisor. Speaking to him, we found that the lands are largely claimed by the Bloodlord Varrox, a vassal of St. Wagner. We also were told that Varrox commands from the ruined fortress we saw, and not Castle von Glauer. The castle, supposedly, remains unoccupied by Varrox, perhaps held at bay by other beings within. Elara von Galuer was apparently the Count’s mistress, not of the blood of the family, her exact situation not known to Severin.
Severin was able to give us directions to the castle, and a more discreet point of entry, two days’ travel from the town.
We also discussed the irony of a member of the troop that dispatched von Glauer being called by him to return his legacy to the land, whatever that may mean/ Severin was clear that he did not know what to expect within the castle, or how the Rod of von Glauer and my connection to it would play out.
After departing, despite efforts to throw off trackers, we were attacked by a horde of wolves and werewolves on the first night.