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Tue 28th Mar 2023 12:08

Session 15: An Item of Sentimental Value

by Spook

We find ourselves, again, in an odd situation regarding the Glass Ghost and Mari, the red dragon. We are at a standstill, knowing that we cannot face the draconic beast head on, but also knowing that the time the Glass Ghost gave our comrades to be free of his nightmares is rapidly coming to a close.
As we continued to deliberate on our options, our new stronghold was, once again, approached by someone seeking our services.
A certain Lady Lazbi, of no particularly notable connection to any of the Great Houses, offered a 5000 gold reward for the retrieval of an amulet of significant “sentimental” value. She claimed that this amulet was now in the hands of a small criminal group known as the Web.
This “Web” does not have a profile of any specific note, according to Creep’s and my own sources. Research did, however, uncover that they are primarily Drow, and have connections to the “Lady of Spiders”.
Bait did not have any information on this “Lady of Spiders” as a diety, but he states that his own connection to divinity is not a conventional one, and that he does not have particular training or familiarity with other religions.
After locating the temple the Web had occupied, it became clear that they were not concerned with remaining unnoticed, with spider imagery on the doors and active guard patrols around the building.
First, we attempted the direct approach, with Scar speaking with one of the guards. They were obstinate about knowing nothing about the Amulet, and the situation rapidly deteriorated into a standoff, with many more guard appearing.
After withdrawing, we attempted a stealth, with Reaper, Points and myself ascending the bell tower and gaining entry this way. The entry went very well, with only Points having trouble during the climb. Coming back down inside, however, only placed us on the other side of the room we could have accessed from outside. With active patrols, we decided to take on the guards we could see, with hopes that the others could handle the outside guards and that we could bar the other door to prevent reinforcements. This only worked partially. We were able to overpower the guards in the room, and Scar’s team was able to handle the two outer guards with a wall of fire. Barring the door, however, did not work out as well as hoped. Very quickly, that door was broken open, and we were facing a large amount of forces from the other side. A bloody combat ensued, with Reaper and Scar falling, requiring the heroics of Bait to maintain our front line.
During this fight, we discovered how useful, and detrimental, Baits new shield was, as his presence dramatically changes the ability to fire into melee near him.
Finally, we emerged victorious, taking scant rest before pressing on to clear the rest of the floor. We found many spider creatures in the main part of the temple, and another, shorter combat took place. With the help of our junior officers, Treble and Bell, we were able to defeat the monsters.
The only thing of value we have found is a set of keys on one of the leaders of the guards. Now, we must secure this floor, and find the doors to these keys, and hopefully the Amulet, as well.