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Tue 30th May 2023 10:32

Session 18: Closing the Mortiz Contract

by Spook

Our return trip to Ptolus from the dragon’s lair went roughly as planned. Grace was able to open a Teleportation Circle to the target provided by Marcelus. It turns out there was a very good reason why we should use that circle sparingly – it was located in a crypt in the Necropolis.
The target circle didn’t look like other circles I have seen, not that I have extensive experience with these types of magic, but it had more symbols than expected, perhaps providing other functionality than merely being a destination target. I copied down the sigils as well as possible, and we decided to be good guests, and try to leave disturbing as little as possible on the way.
After exiting the crypt, it appears that we would not be able to make a quiet exit, as we found ourselves in the midst of what could only be described as a horde of zombies. Making as much haste as possible, we fought our way to the gates, which were opened for us by a caretaker, with only a word about how much noise we had made in our exit. I hope this doesn't reflect poorly on us in the future with Lady Navanna of House Valdaam.
We were even able to get the strange, lobster-like machine out safely, with Grace and Scraps within.
Upon returning to the barracks, we were all finally able to get a good night’s rest.
The next day, we made final plans to operate the Helm Street Inn as a front, providing presence in the Docks district. As we started making preparations to depart for the Winter Solstice Party at Keep Everwinter, the Master of Jackals decided to pay us another visit, this time with information on how we could finish the contract with Mortiz, and end our contractual opposition to St. Wagner and the Black Iron Pact. He provided two sticks which he told us would bring us to the wizard and back safely.
Despite my reservations that this may be some kind of trap or set up, we decided that it was important enough to take this opportunity to close the contract.
Snapping the first stick, we found ourselves brought to a relatively open field, with Mortiz in sight. No other forces were around, and he seemingly was caught unawares.
We took the initiative and struck at the mage.
I have never fought such a powerful mage user, and in this fight, I think there were many lessons to be learned.
The first of which, he was not entirely unprepared, as he seemed to have magical defenses raised preventing many spells from landing on him. Second, we did not have Grace, so his ability to neutralize other magic spells was frustrating as well. Third, his shielding spells worked quite well, and his offensive spells were quite harrowing. We were lucky to have Reaper make himself a target for some of these spells, as I am quite sure many of the rest of us would have fallen, perhaps with finality.
Also, I found that I did not think ahead enough to fight well against this wizard with so many options. I think there were other options I had which I will have to think on and remember for future fights. There were other things that I tried which did not work so well on such a powerful mage. Although the most important thing we may need to remember is to bring Grace along for such fights.
Despite these troubles, we did end up victorious, although I think we needed everyone to contribute, from my initial poisoned strike, to Reaper’s toughness, to Scar’s final blow with a divine smite. At the end, the Master of Jackals made another appearance on the battlefield, collecting the mage’s body before we could search it, and disappearing. I hope they do not plan on raising him, or working some magics that will cause us to regret this action.
We attempted to send word regarding the closed contract via Diplomatic Pouch, but did not receive a response.
The second stick did bring us home safely, and now we have almost run out of time if we want to get to Keep Everwinter conventionally.