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Mon 27th Mar 2023 11:53

Session 3: A Noble’s Party and a Hag

by Spook

We secured a second job, within the city this time. Because of this, our employers are able to secure Weapons Licenses for some of us, in addition to the Imperial Identifications.
Before this job, providing security for a noble’s party, we made some exploration of the city of Ptolus. I started to try to establish contacts with some of the criminal elements of Ptolus, which is not as clear as other cities, as there is no singular Thieves’ Guild in this city. Creeps is going to assist me with gathering information and establishing a network within the city.
We also came across Emerald Exchange, a magic shop with a colorful proprietor. She does not have any item to provide vision through magical darkness, but may craft a special order with the right materials from an appropriate creature, such as a powerful devil.
Our security job became quite complicated by a relationship the party’s guest of honor had established with a nearby swamp denizen, which turned out to be a Green Hag. We needed to track down the hag and destroy it in order release him from a binding.