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Mon 27th Mar 2023 11:55

Session 6: Finding the Ringwell

by Spook

We have begun our investigations into the whereabouts of Lady Orozivaar and the Ringwell. After some dead ends, we traced our way back the butcher shop, which was the site of the start of the magical chaos of the previous day.
Within the butcher shop, we were attacked by a Drow, not too difficult to dispatch. We found him with a curious Black Iron ring. After locating a trap door leading beneath the shop, we began to explore the tunnels underneath. After encountering some subterranean creatures (including one fight where I fought without sight to avoid umber hulk confusion effects), we located the entry to the Ringwell.
Within the Ringwell, we found a chamber with a giant, brittle, diamond-like crystal sphere, which was broken. We found evidence which seemed to indicate this was the prison of the celestial we encountered above.
In this room was also a door we could not pass, but as we investigated it, we were attacked by a strange creature which seemed to control elements of time itself. We were a small party, and were almost finished off by the strange being, if not for the last ditch efforts of Bait.
After returning to the surface, we set the junior officers and days to securing the entrance to the tunnels below.