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Tue 5th Sep 2023 01:34

Session 23: The Lighthouse

by Spook

We were able to enjoy the hospitality of Keep Everwinter for a couple more days before the Commander determined that it was time for us to leave.
During that time, I had heard from Creeps that the situation in Ptolus had not changed significantly, only growing more tense with time.
We spoke to the locals regarding Pyre’s giant Ice Crab, it turns out that there are legends of such a creature in the area. Many seemed to indicate that it was some kind of queen or “mother” crab that was important to the maintenance of the local population of ice crabs, a delicacy in the region.
We were able to secure some more horses and sleds to hasten our journey down the mountain, and Scar wanted to investigate the strange lighthouse we had observed from afar on our way to the keep.
On arrival to the lighthouse region, we saw that it was on some rocky landings raised above an icy lake. AS we approached the first landing, two huge insect-like creatures burst from the ice in rapid order, attacking our group. The creatures burned whenever we contacted them, and were large enough to swallow Bait whole. As we finally dispatched them, with me landing the final blow on the first, and Scar and Bait combining to finish the second as it tried to flee, we spied some other giant shapes lumbering towards us.
The undead remains of some giants approached us in waves, Bait was able to turn the first few, so we were able to take them on in a more focused manner, but, again, as we finished them, a hag of some sort flew out of the lighthouse, attempting to cast a spell at us, which Grace was able to counter. Along with the hag, we were also faced with a giant yeti. The yeti was almost the end of both Scar and myself with its paralyzing gaze and lethal follow up attacks.
After finally besting all of the monstrous attackers, we were able to investigate the lighthouse towerf. Most of the bottom floors were rather nondescript, but the top floor gave way to the light platform, which also contained a broken mirror.
We were able to determine that the mirror was missing a piece of glass, a shard which matched the one we found in a puzzle box long ago. Also in that box was a strange crystal which, when placed in the light housing, revealed a teleport circle.
THe mirror itself was a mystery that took some investigation, and not a little of pain, to sort out. After many painful attempts to peer into the mirror, we found a man on the other side. Only after we were able to Mend the mirror magically, did access to him stabilize. We could see each other, but not talk.
Bait used a Sending spell to communicate with the man. But the limited interaction provided by the spell gave us scant information.
His name was Vitaea, and he had been trapped for so long that he could give us no clues as to how to get him out. Scar recognized his name. He was the wizard advisor to the good King Omenson, the Wizard of Grey Haven, which was the first city taken by St. Wagner in his conquest of Valorian. We also recalled that King Omenson was the father of Lady Sherna, the noble who had contracted us previously in actions against St. Wagner.
Having no other information or leads to act on at the lighthouse, Grace teleported us back to Ptolus via the Necropolis Cemetery, and we were able to return to our Barracks..
After arriving at the barracks, we had a brief greeting with some of the junior officers, and I was told a letter had been delivered for me.