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Wed 9th Nov 2022 07:31

28. Bad World

by Rory Emberscale

sooo... we had a gud nite thweep and win we woke up we maid are way to the cawt that we awe thuppotht to gard wile they go on the wode outta here. thewe ith thtill THO MINY PEEPOL wandewin awownd here wike i dont even no wher they all come fwom wow. n e way we git to the cawt and the mane guy there thaid hith name ith wenoo and there ith a buncha other guyth awownd that we haf to keep thafe. and ith not jutht won cawt there awe wike... mowe than won that we gotta wach but we got thith no pwobwem. oh and wenoo thaid he wath impwethd that we got hewe on tiem becuz motht other gwoopth dont git there on time tho thatht gud.
well we git goin on tha wode and i thtay on the watht cawt tho i can watch behind uth. sortafine thaid he thaw thomewon wookin at uth wile we wath weaving town but i cudnt thee them. thinthe we arnt doing n e thing ekthept wachin awound uth i twy to lithen for thingth going on that thethe guyth awe tawking abowt but i cant figuwe n e thing they awe thaying tho ill jutht keep wachin.
evwything wint gud today tho we dethide to pull off the wode and make camp for the nite. sortafine talkd with wenoo a wittle bit and he thaid wenoo hath a methage to thind to thomebody in altdorf and if we do it wenoo will give uth thome gold and thin the perthon in altdorf will give uth thome more gold and that all thownth gud to me.
tho now we go to bed. in the midel of the nite wetthin woked me up cuz we got twubble bwewin. we can here fut thtepth but ith dawk owt and i cant thee n e thing. i twied to git off the cawt weel quiet but i fell off and made a buncha noithe tho ith not going vewy gud alweddy. thin all of a thuddin we get bwathted with thome kinda majik n r g thtuff and now the fite ith on. ekthept thethe guyth all go down thuper eathy. we keep the watht won to akth them quethchinth. it tuwnth owt thethe awe jutht kidth that we killd. no wondew they wint down tho eathiwy.
the boy thaid all thith wath thuppotht to jutht be a dithtwakshin but we dont no wat for. wile the otherth wath athking him quethchinth i wint bak to where i wath thweeping and notithed that all my thtuff wathnt were i put it. i wookd to make shur evwything wath there and it wath EKTHEPT FOR MAH AWWOW HED. tho i git bak up and git in thith boyth fathe and athk him wat happind to it. he thwore up and down that he dint no n e thing abowt it and he wath jutht doin wat hith fwiendth towd him to do. i towd him he wath hangin owt with tha wong fwindth and he wath makin fun of me. evin tho im vewy angwy wite now i wemembew that heth jutht a wittle boy tho i twy to thet an ekthampel for him. i athked him wat hith name wath and he towd me it was aldo. i towd him that he shud twy to turn hith wife awownd and uthe hith majik for gud inthted of bad thtuff and thtawt choothin hith fwindth better. i towd him i wath givin him the oprutoon... opptortunit... chanthe to do the wite thing and twy to git my awwow hed bak or at weatht git thome infomashin abowt hoo hath it now and git bak to me. well after i thaid my peeth twevow wath wike wowy are u dun and im wike ya i gueth. thin twevow tuk the boy away and killd him. i giv up.
it theemth wike evwything awownd me ith fawwing apart. thomethin bad alwayth theemth to happin to the peeple i wove. i wath thith boyth age win i got taked fwom my home and never thaw my pawenth or fwindth agin. wondaline tuk her own wife to thave ourth and i cudnt do n e thing to thtop it. matilda dethided to go away to do who nose wat and i thot we were fwindth. and now i feel wike im thomehow wethponthibel fow killing thith child and unabel to make a gud impweshin on him and twevow enuff to convinthe him to change hith wayth and be a gud guy inthted of a bad guy.
wat if im the bad guy?
i dont want to be the bad guy.
am i a bad guy?
i jutht go bak to my pwathe in the camp and thit. at thome point wetthin came up to me and athkd me if i cud wead. i thaid OF COWTHE I CANT WEAD IM THTUPID WEMEMBER. tho he jutht wed me wat wath on the note he fownd on won of the bodieth. he thaid it thaid fowwow the cawavan with the dwaginbown and other odd peepel and git hith awwow hed and well pay you 50 pwatnum. mutht hav bin that appwaither guy i tuk it to to git chekd owt.
u no ith not even the fact that i dont hav the awwow hed n e more. i dont cawe abowt that. ith that i got it fwom thomewhere that i dont evin wemember duwing a time i cant evin wemember and that it wed to bad thingth happenin to gud peapol and i cant help it. mabee it wath one of thothe bad wuck chawmth. i keep twying to find the thilvew wine in the cwowd or watever that thaying ith but ive dun that tho many tiemth. i cud thay well if that wath a bad wuck chawm maybe we will hav thome better wuck now that ith gone. but ive dun it tho much that it doethnt weawy meen n e thing n e more. mabee im jutht a bad guy wiving in a gud world. or a good guy wiving in a bad world.
the gwoop thayth we cud git it bak but i thaid dont worry abowt it n e more. it doethnt meen n e thing and ith a wathte of tiem. at weatht we no wut it ith and mabee were we can git thome bolth made for twevow or thomethin.
we git bak in the cartth and make are way to the nektht town calld hidek. ith vewy diffwent fwom the pwathe we jutht came fwom. not ath miny peeple here but thtill kinda bithy. we made it jutht in time cuz the gardth outthide wath jutht abowt to cwothe the gateth.
wenoo toad uth that we awe to thtay with the cartth all nite wile they git thome thweep but they want to thtay another day hear tho theyll hav the town gardth wach the cartth tomowwow tho we can hav a bwake. tho we go ahed and make a wittle camp and thweep. nuthin happind thith nite and win we woke up the gardth came by jutht wike they thaid.
dwaugniw do u think im gud or bad?