sooo... gold wanth to find owt if thewe awe any burdth that mite be abel to hewp uth wook fow thethe cowwupt guieth but he ithnt abel to find anywon to hewp. but fwaya hath that deemin bat wat thing that she can tuwn into wutevr she wanth tho well jutht uthe that inthted. well off we go to wook fow dem.
twevow and wethin thee thom twax that they weft behind win they weft the care fkakr. thay r makin thith too eethy to find them. we do come acwoth a hole buncha thtuff awong the way tho that we all haf to get acwoth. fwaya ith kinda thcawy cuz she thot it wud be a gud idea to owbitweat... obwitweate... ekthpwode a fawmuwth sheep to git infowmashin fwom him. he thaid he thaw them go that way tho we wint that way. thin we came up to a wavine that gold heppd uth get thwu. thin wethin fownd a camp fiwe were it wookd wike they bin hewe wethentwy. thin we came acwoth thom bwoken down cawtth in the wode and we cudnt go awownd them tho i helpd cwear the path. twevow wint a hed a wittle bit and thaid he coud thee thineth of them up ahed fwom a hill. and sortafine wath abel to find a wittle twail to uthe inthted of tha mane wode tho we cud thneak up on em by wookin wike jutht nowmal twavewwowth.
we git to the awea twevow thaw from the hill and we thee that a bunch of peepel awe ded but thewe wath jutht won guy awive. he didnt wook hewthy but wethin wath abel to cyure him a bit witch ith weewd cuz we nevew new he cud do that. mabe he ithnt ath utheweth aftewall but i thtill dont wike him. n e way thith guy thaid heth a fwire of thigmaw named winthtin and he toad uth that they came thwu hear and wiped them owt. he thaid thethe ded fowkth wer jutht a cuppel famiwieth goin bak to town aftew there maytwiawk died wutevr that ith. he thaid the peeple that ambooshd them wer wearing cwothtes that wookd wike they caem fwom a weawy cold pwathe. i wondew if they wath thome of the wonth i wemembewd fwom that vishin i had. i fownd thome munny on the ded famiwy an gave it thith guy. i altho fownd thome vewy cool wookin wockth! ive theen the wockth that sortafine and twevow uthe to tawk to dadyadyraryus tho i twied to thee if i cud here mythelf by tawkin into won of them and puttin the othew won up to mah eer but i cudnt here n e thing. maybe im jutht doin it wong.
well we keep goin and find anothew guy weanin up agintht a twee. he wookth wike thomeone the fwire minchind. that... ith... THUTHPITHUTH! we axe him a buncha kwethchinth but he wont tawk. i toad him wook thothe cwotheth mite make u wawm but i can make u wawm fow the wetht of ur wife jutht wike u did to that poor famiwy back there tho u better thtawt tawkin. he didnt wike that tho fwaya the thcawy won uthed her thpailth to git wite behind him and thtabd him in tha bak. at weatht he wont be abel to huwt n e body elthe now.
we keep fowwowing tha twail and we fownd a fawm howthe with a feewd nektht to it. it wookth wike the cwopth awe all gud and takin cawe of and the twax weed wite into tha howthe. but tha weewd thing ith nobody ith home. fwaya thendth in hew imp wat bat not a bat but akshuwwy a bat thith tiem into the howthe thwu the chimny but she thaid nobodyth home. thin she tuwnd the imp wat bat but not a bat but akshuwway a bat thith tiem into a thpidew and made him go thwu the nektht woom. wookth wike thewe ith a hole in tha fwor. we all go inthide the howthe and thee wath down there.
of corthe i cant thee n e thing at all tho i gotta hang on to sortafineth tholder and he weedth me evewywher. im twyin to be quite ath pothibel but my awmowith makin noithe. oh well at weatht it aint ath woud ath wethinth gunth howy cwap my eerth awe thtill winging they tho much wowder in a cave wow. and i no that becuz we had to fite a thcawy dog beatht or thomethin i dont no wut it ith but ith fugwy. he got a bite of gold i bet that didnt tathte gud. i had to git a towch to thee wut wath awownd me tho i cud fite it. but thin the dog dide and i put the towch owt and held on to sortafine agin.
we got a bit fuwthuw in thith cave but thin sortafine pushd me in fwont of him. im wike HEY MAN I CANT THEE N E THING HOW DO U ETHPECT ME TO WEED but i thaid it showting but withpewing if that maketh thince. wetht fathe it awmoth nun of wut i thay maketh thinthe but we can pwetend. n e way i keep goin fowwawd with mah handz owt in fwont of me thwingin awound wike a ideit and thin i felt thomethin thwing at me. THEE SORTAFINE I TOAD U! well he muthta fewt bad fow me becuth he wit up the cave with thome dithco witeth wich wuth kinda cool. won of the things we wuth fiteing had wike a nife bwade on his hed and the othew guy glowd gween but thin he thwew the gween thing at uth and we awmotht chokd cuz of the fog it weft behind. well we got them ded and tuk ther thtuff. the gween guy had a gath mathk ow thomethin iono wethin twied to ekthpwain it to me. he wath abel to make the mathk fit and now win i tawk ith even hawdew for peepel to git wat im thayin but at weatht i dont haf to thmeww wat i ate fow dinnew yethewday aftew it cometh owt the other end!
we dethided we shud make camp and thweep for the nite in here bak were we fot the fugwy dog. befowe wayin down for the nite we athk dadyaryaruth if he cud wet the glided iwon no that we mite hav fownd wher thethe guyth awe comin fwom but he didnt thownd vewy happy that we cawd him on the wocky tocky. oh well i gueth he shudnt hav gabe uth them!