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Mon 30th May 2022 12:53

16. The New Vanguard

by Rory Emberscale

sooo... we got bak to camp and wondaline thaw a note thtuk to a pol with a dager. all she cud weed wuz meat nite. now im hungwy. she givd it to gold and he thaid it thaid thomethin abowt won wepsenwentv... wespentivtive... pewthon fwom are gwoop wewing there culurs and come to tha camp at nite. wondaline akthd tha big oger guy wuuok if he thaw n e thing and he did he thaid ith a guy fwom wakheds peepel. twevow dethided to go to ther camp tonite to meat with him.
wile heth gon i akthd sortafine if he cud make mah hand on a stik wook diffwent thinth twevow naimd it pamewa handewthon. i figgurd i shud make it wook wike a womin tho sortafine did it. heth tho pireful wit hith majik thpailth!
twevow cam bak an toad uth abowt wut rakhed thaid. he thaid he thaid wer gonna fite them tomowow and we shud win and thin we go ahed and haf to fite kwazik and hith guyth aftew that but we cant make it wook wike they wet uth win tho it hath to be a weel fite. ok i can do that. and he thaid thomethin abowt fwasheth of lite or somethin i dont no wut thath abowt. there wuz no meat at thith meating. wut a shaim.
well aftew are meating i that nekt to twevow and akthd him if he evr herd of wowwieth. i toad him the woolth and how he wud win but he didnt want to pway. he thinkth mabee gold and sortafine mite hav fulld me win we plaid a wong time ago. i thaid i didnt think my fwindth wud do that but at weatht thay gav me my munny bak. thin he akthd me abowt my patht. i tode him abowt wat happind and how i didnt no how i got hear and cudnt wember thingth vewy gud. he towd me he wud keep an i owt for n e thing abowt mamiths and wet me no if he findth n e thing owt abowt it. and thin i thot mabee i had a gud idea to tawk to my pawenth by uthin the wockie tockie thing but he thaid it duthnt wurk that way but he thaid heth herd of other wockie tockieth that mite work. il hav to wach for won of thothe.
well i wint to thweep agin. win i wakd up i thaw thteven and pamewa handewthon on the fwor wookin wike they had a fite over nite. it wookd wike thteven wuz on top of pamewa and had her pind down or thomethin. hav thay bin wachin me fite and pwactithin? weerd. mabee thereth mowe to them than i no abowt!
well ith time to fite the othew gwoop. the fite waz pwetty eathy but we dint make it wook eathy becuz we had to make shur the otherth cudnt tell we had a thecwet pwan. matilda abthowutewy thwappd the cwap outta won of there guyth wike YOU AINT GETTIN OUTTA HEWE BUDDY UNWETH I HIT U OWT OF THA AWEENA! it wuz tho cool. n then sortafine nokd there fwying guy out the air fwom weewy hi up and he hit tha gwownd tho hard. im gwad that wuznt me.
well aftew winnin the mane guy came owt and thaid now that we one that fite we had to fite him and hith guyth tho well git weddy for that nekth time.
we git bak to camp and twevow cald uth all together agin. he thaid he maid a bet with nardhed abowt hoo wud win tha fite and he thaid he one tho he gave uth all thom of the mony he one. twevow ith vewy nithe he dint hav to do that. we gonna wetht until ith time for the watht fite tonite.