Writing Prompt 3 by Rory | World Anvil

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Fri 1st Oct 2021 10:55

Writing Prompt 3

by Rory Emberscale

"What do I hope to gain from my involvement with the Iron? Is there a deeper purpose to uncover with this group, or perhaps they are just a means to my ends. How do I intend them to facilitate my overall goals?"
dwaugnir i dont no y u are tho inthterethted in me but i wike tawkin to u n e way tho ith weawy cool that ur keepin twack of me tho thankth fow wookin owt fow me and uth. u no i dont weawy wemember all that much abowt wut happind aftew i got takin fwom thkul that day tho im hopin that mabee the glided iwon can help me wemember or at weatht find a way to get me back to my famiwy to make thure they r ok. i dont no wut thothe miwitawy wookin guyth wanted me for but i jutht hope they didnt do nuthin to my famiwy and fwiendth. i mith them tho much. thethe new peepel are gwate to and i wike that they wisten to me withowt makin fun of me. or at weatht they dont do it to my fathe.
n e way dwaugnir ith alwayth nithe tawkin to u. i hope u hav a gud nite and pweathe keep wookin owt for uth. i weawy apweeshiate u doin that. gud nite dwaugnir!