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Sat 11th Sep 2021 06:02

4. In the Hall of the Mountain King (Milestone: 2nd Level)

by Rory Emberscale

soooo... we woke up and thortafine thtarted tawkin to uth abowt y were down hear adn wut the gliden iwon wanth fwom uth. he thinkth that mabe were jutht bein used. then he wealitheth that we all theem to have a thimiwar thtowy abowt how we got hear. wike we r all wost or fowgottin or thumthin i dont no ith all tho confuthin to me. he thayth that we shud be calld the herowth pawire or thumthin. he thayth it meens we r wotht. i dont think we r wost bekuz gortek hath a map. it thounth cool tho. i wike it!
n e way we keep goin awong the hiway woad and we thee thith HYOOGE cwiff with a bunch of houtheth cawved into it. wook, im pwetty thtwong but i wudnt want to haf to cwimb up and down thothe thtepth all the time jutht to get to mah houth.
gortek tellth uth to keep fowwowing hith map tho we fowwow him. he thayth we r neer the thoegolic... thelgolic... theogocil... god center of their mowntain home. i wunder if ill thee dwaugnir? hoo nose. wood be cool tho!
we come acwoth a bwige dat wookth wike itth in weel bad shape and gold tellth uth to thtay to the white thide. not the white thide but the white thide. wike not weft. u no wut i meen. gold tieth a wope awound my bewwy tho hawd that i haf to thuck it in. it kinda hurt but at weatht i no i wont fall off. well we thtart cwossing the bwige and we here thumthin thownd wike a thwashing thownd. jools ith gone! dey got him and pulled him down the kazem undew da bwige! oh man thatth not gud. he wath the won wookin for twaps and thingth wike that. ith more of those thtinkin wat men. i hate dem tho much. we huwwy owt of thith awea.
we twavel for a wong while and we finawwy find a fanthy woom. ith vewy cool becus it hath a bunch of fire but ith not wike weel fire becuz it doethnt huwt to tuch it. mabee ith fake fire, or wike majic or thumthin. my fire ith weel tho. it will huwt if i bweeth on u. gold finawwy wets me take off the wope. now i hav a wope mark awound mah waste that pwobabwy wont go away for a wong time. oh well at weast it wookth cool i gueth. gortke thayth thith wud be a gud pwathe to camp tho i go to thweep.
gotkert weeds uth into a new hall and thtopth thudinly. he theemth thupwithed that a dor wuth weft open. he thayth fewegwim pwobabwy fowgot to cwose it wen he wuth hear. he thayth thath a bad sine and we shud be caweful. thith ith where the twoll shud be.
we go in and firtht thing i thee ith a HOLE WOT OF GOLD THITTIN ON THE FLOR. aldwed theeth the sord they were wookin for and goes to pick it up. wen he pickth it up heth cut in haf by the big twoll. BUT THITH TWOLL HATH A CWAB HAND. WUT THE CWAP HOW DID THAT HAPPIN THITH DOOD ITH WEERD! but now we gotta fite him. the twoll cut yohan in haf two! we jutht dethide to thet the twoll on fire and that theemd to wurk gud. dat nekliss he wath waring wookth cool but gorktek towd uth to thtay away fwom it becuth its cowwupt. i dont want to tuch it.
aftew we beet the twoll thith gween mithty dorf wady showth up outta nowhere. she thayth thankth for kiwwing the twoll and that we can find a weward in a woom in the back. we go in there and thereth a chetht full of gold fow eech of uth. not gold wike our weeder dorf but gold for bying thingth. thew ith anuther sord laying on the tabel that doeth thome cool thtuff. we think gold ith pwobabwy the betht won to take it. and den thereth a gwowing bwue thurcle on the gwound. gween mitht dorf wady thayth we can thtick one of our itemth in it and it will becum thtwonger. well i put mah ask into it and wud u wook at that my aks got sharper and better. wow!
we thpend many days getin bak to begelor and madga and tell them we have beet the twoll and they shud be safe fwom it now. dey thank uth and we thtawt makin pwanth to go back to care fawik thoon.