7. Traveling with Trevor by Rory | World Anvil

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Mon 8th Nov 2021 12:01

7. Traveling with Trevor

by Rory Emberscale

soooo... we thtarted the day by tawkin abowt who ith gonna be nektht to command or thomethin. for thome weathon thay pikd me but i dont even no wut a nektht to command meens but it thoundth cool. then all of a thudden wondaline jutht thtopth tawkin n is THOOPER thupwized that she wemembewd thomethin abowt the badwandth n she dosnt no y she can wemembew it so she wushes off to go tawk to da lard commenter jerky guy to tell him abowt it.
win she came bak me wondaline and matilda dethide to go twy to find wittle mith pimento da mythic wady or thomethin iono wut her name wuz but ith thomethin wike that. n e way won of da gardz tuk uth up to her in the cathle. the thtairth weedin up to her woom had a wot of wike vudu dawls and thtuff tho i jutht had to poke won to thee wut wud happin. well wet me tell ya thomethin happind awight becuz wondaline got onto uth and towd uth not to tuch anything elth tho i wuz wike ya ok wutever mom we cant ever hav n e fun. but that kinda made me mith my weel mom tho i dethided i wud wissen to wondaline and be a gud wowy. but matilda mutht not hav herd wondaline becuz win we got to da dor matilda buthted by wondaline and kikd it open and got shokd wit witening. it wuz soooo funny i jutht laffd but she wookd wike she got hurt a wittle tho i kinda feeld bad for her to but i thtill waffd.
the mythic wady thaid she awedy thaw the buk. she thaid the thimble on the buk wookd wike a thkaven god and that there mite be more than won buk or more than won part of a thet of things. then she had wondaline wook into a letethtcpe... telethpoke... thtar looker atter. wondaline thaid she cud thee a comit with too tales inthted of jutht won wich ith weerd i gueth i never seen won befowe but it thoundth weawy cool. wittle miss pimento tellth uth we shud go akth abowt thome thkaven in nuln.
wo toad evwyone abowt wut she thaid but they all think we shud go to the ork pwace inthted tho we go to akindorf. HAHA that name thoundth funny! akindorf! n e way we git to akindorf haha and fownd a tavewn to eat at and thpend the nite there. ath we walkd in wondaline thaid we shud pwobabwy hide are gold tho i thtuck my gold powch down the fwont of mah pants that way if n e won wanted to git it i wud for shure no abowt it but it waz vewy not comftable. we fownd a gide named twevor who thaid he cud take uth there. he thaid heth wike a haff vampiar but he thaid he wont eat uth. he jutht needth thom meet evewy few dayth tho were all gud with that. i aktht him wut wud happin if he wuz owt in the thun or if i showd him thome gawlic but he thaid heth not a weal vampier tho im wike ok cool then nuthin bad will happin i gueth.
jutht befowe we weave town i had to akth wondaline if it wuz ok to take my coin powch out of mah cwotch and she thaid yeth. AND THEN SHE CALLD ME A NANIGMA! I THINK SHE MITE FINAWY WIKE ME! but i dont no wut a nanigma ith. i will haf to akth awownd to thee if n e body elthe nose. im on it!
we thpend a wot of dayth wike pwobabwy eweventeen dayz walkin down the wode befowe we git to barka var or wutevr ith calld. awong the way wondaline thaw thom witenening on tha gwownd or thomethin i dont wembmemew wut she thaid edzakwy but twevow thaid we shudnt wurry abowt it to much tho we jutht ignowe it for now. well i got tird of walkin tho much tho i dethided to thummin a widing horthe for a hour but then the horthe poofd and i fail down. it kinda hurt but im tuff tho no big dill.
we finawy make it to barky var and WHOA THITH PLATHE ITH AWTHOME BECUZ ITH WIKE THE HOLE TOWN ITH CAWVED INTO DA CAVE WITE BY THA WATER! thereth all kindth of botes down there and peepl all over tha plathe. i cant wate to thee wut elthe thith town haz!