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Sat 11th Dec 2021 06:20

10. Rage Against the Machine

by Rory Emberscale

soooo... dardaruth thayth heth with the colige of majic and were not the only wons keeping a i on these orkth and he nose who were workin with. wondaline athks him to help uth git the totim were after but he thinkth that we shud cweate a dithtwakshin inthted. tho we dethide to keep twackin the gobwinth that twevor hath bin twacking down the woad wile dradaras twies to figuwe owt wut the orkth are up to. befowe we weave, dadarius giveth sortafine a wock that he can tawk into to tawk to dardwuwa but i dont no how that workth tho i hope i never haf to be the won to work it. AND THEN DRADARAD JUTHT POOFTH AWAY WIKE WERE DID HE GO I HOPE HETH OKAY!
n e way we camp here and thin move owt in the mornin. aftew bwekfatht twevor thcowts ahed and pix up the twackth agin. today wondaline theemth to be in a bad mood tho i twied to make her feel better by pwaying with her. i tapd her on tha showder wit mah tale but she quikwy turnd awownd and gwabd it and jutht yelld at me to LEAVE ME AWONE. fine but at weatht i twied to help. awtho i think thath the fathtetht i ever saw her move.
weve bin walkin tho wong that now we can thee mowntins ahed of uth but we keep fowwowing thothe twakth. we thweep agin and keep goin the nektht day.
we r deffinitewy gettin cwother now cuz we can thee them jutht ahed of uth but we cant tale how miny of them they are. i twy to help come up with a pwan and i athk thteven wut he thinkth.
thith ith win poop hit the plan. ath i wuz athkin thteven wut he thinkth wondaline taketh him fwom my hand and wips hith hed off. now i no i git angwy at my enemeyth but thith ith beeond anger im feewing at thith poynt. wondaline jutht thtawtth wawkin away and matilda twies thtandin between her and me. if it wathnt for matilda being there i pwobabwy wud hav had to intdowuduthe wondaline to my akth. matilda kept me fwom doin that tho inthted i yelld at wondaline WUTEVR ITH WONG WITH YOU YOU NEED TO GIT. OVER. IT. wondaline thaid she thinkth ith thtupid that i tawk to my fwiend thteven and she mokd me for bein thtupid and utheweth. matilda fowwowth her and sortafine pikd up thteven and towd me he wud fix him. i athk wondaline why she thinkth ith okay to tawk with her god or whoever she gits her power fwom but ith not okay for me to tawk to my friend who i made mythelf win nowon elthe wanted to pway wowwieth with me in barka varr. she didnt thay anything and jutht kep walkin away. i thot to mythelf i wish i cud wawk away fwom all my twubbelth win they got hard but i wathnt waised a quitter. if she gonna walk away evewy tiem thomethin doesnt go her way well bye and dont athk me for help until you can pull urthelf together. she uthed to tell me that she wudnt heel me cuz she didnt wike me. well wets thee if she thtarth wiking me agin win she needth thomethin killd.
okay im off my thoup box now. tho sortafine gatherth uth together agin to twy to come up with a pwan finawwy and we keep goin. twevor will keep goin to but he thayth we gotta pay him thinth tiem ith up on the contwakt. gold giveth him a gold haha and he keepth goin but cant thee n e thing cuz they keep kikin up dutht. womp womp.
thinth we cant thee them we camp agin. befowe i go to thweep sortafine bwingth me thteven. he hath minded him all up and heth gud ath new and i thank sortafine for fixin him.
twevor ith eventuawy abel to tail there ith abowt eweventy thwee gobwinth or thomethin i dont no the number but ith A WOT of them. we think mabee we shud go bak but thin we dethide to thee where they wint. i thay mabee we shud tawk to dandewuth on the wock. gold thinkth ith the betht idea i ever had. at weatht thomeone thinkth im thomewhat utheful. i dont think we ever wockd him tho.
well now weve gon tho far that we are at the feet hillth of the mowntinth. mabee we r cwothing the gap now.