i cant even thweep now but thith tiem ith not becuz of me thinkin abowt wondaline or even cuz wethin ith bothowin me. nope thith tiem ith cuz thewe wath a beww winging owthide and evwywon wath wunnin awownd. we all go owt thewe to thee wuth up and lard comdander jerky caim owt n thaid GIT TO THE WAWTH WE R UNDEW ATAK and im wike AWIGHT FINE IF AINT GONNA GET TO THWEEP TONITE IM GONNA GO GIT WUTEVEW ITH OWT THER and thath what we did.
but they jutht keep comin and thay nevew thtop comin. they had thothe wat guyth thkavin or thomethin and thin they had thome wuffs and thin they had thome tholdierth and thin they had won of thothe caowth twollth wike we fot befoew in karka nein peekth or watevew ith calld and thin they had thome mutinth and thin thereth thith other guy. we cant catch a bwake.
hold on we thtill fitin.