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Sun 21st Nov 2021 10:39

8. Intel, Knowledge, and... Thteven?

by Rory Emberscale

soooo... barka varr wooks weal nice in the eevning and i wood wike to thee all da thites awound hear but matilda ith alwayth hungery tho we all dethided to git thomethin to eet and matilda showd uth da way becuz she can alwayth thmell food. man there ith a WOT of peepl hear in thith cool thity in a cave! ther ith thooo many botes! ill hav too thee if n e body hear nose how to git to uthlan... luthuna... my homewand. i weewy mith my pawenth and fwiendth...
n e way we finawy fownd a pwace to eat. one of da platheth here had a akth on the sine but we dethided not to go to that won and went to tha other won inthtead. it wath calld the skorchd beerd. that thownds vewy paneful tho i wemembered wut wondaline towd me in akindorf tho i thtuck my coin powch in mah twowtherth agin. i twied tho hard to make it fell cofmorble but i jutht cudnt do it. tho then i twied to jutht walk as nowmolly ath i cud. im pwetty shur nowon noticd becuz i twied vewy hard. then we had thom dwinks and fud. i had thom bacn and it wuz THOOO GOOD and twevor had thom waw meet. i twied to cuk it for him but he didnt want it cukd becuz he wiketh it waw wich i fownd weerd but hey you no i guetth hear you can hav it ur way. matilda akthd me to cuk her fud a wittle moar tho i twied to thpit jutht a wittle fier but it ended up beeing a bigger won than i hoped. i awmotht cot her hare on fier but she wuz able to turn move owt of da way jutht in time. her fud wuz weawy cukd now tho!
well now we got are bewwies full and need to thleep. twevor fownd uth a pwace calld the brads tail or thomethin. it thowndth cool. me and matilda had to cawwy the gold dorf to hiz woom becuz he had two much to dwink and he was pathd owt befoe we evin got hear. after gittin him thettld in i dethide to go to thleep mythelf.
win we wake up twevor thayth he ith goin to find owt thome infermayshun that cud help uth with the orc totim guy. wile heth doin that i dethide to twy to find some infomayshin abowt how i mite be abel to git back to my homewand. mabee won of theez botes will go there thometime. i think i tuk the wong turn a cupple timeth but i finawwy fownd the dox and thomewon there toad me that there ith won ship that cometh here evewy weak and goeth bak to uthulan but nobody fwom the bote thtayth hear tho there arent n e elfs to tawk to wight now tho i jutht fine my way bak to da brads tail.
win i got bak it wath only gold and matilda there. sortafine wondaline and twevor wint to get even moar infirmashn abowt the commit in the thky or thomethin i dont no. gold wath thtill fatht athweep fwom dwinkin and matilda jutht wanted to eet tho had to take matterth into my own handz to pway wowwies. tho i tuk thome forkth nifes and thpunes and a paper pwate i fownd on da tabel and made a wittle guy out of em. i dwawd a face on the pwate and i made him thit up acwoth the table fwom me. i call him thteven and heth mah new fwiend becuz he wanted to pway wowwies with me. wet me tell you thomethin thteven ith vewy gud at wowwies i dont no where he lernd to pway it but he beet me a wot. win twevow and the otherth finawy came bak i intduc... tintrocuded... showd them my new fwiend and twevow theemd kinda in a huwwy or thomethin becuz he wanted to tawk to uth upthtares. tho i gwabd the munny that thteven won and put it away for him and then put him in my bakpak to keep him thafe and wint to tawk with twevor and the otherth.
he towd uth all the info they fownd owt. it doesnt thownd gud at all becuz now the orkth are on both thides of the wadder and they theem to be gwowing or thomethin i didnt quiet underthtand evewything he thaid but he thaid he had to beat a dorf to git that infomashin tho that wuz cool. i wuz wondewin y he had a bwack i.
well we dethide to go bak to da skorchd beerd to eat or if ur matilda ith the chard muthtash haha she funny we all laffd for a while man that wuz funny we needed that. n e way after dinner we go bak to brads tail to thweep agin.
thith mownin we dethide that we need to git EVEN MOAR INFOMAISHEN fwom da wibawy in the no bull awea of the thity. i dont no my way awound a wibawy tho i jutht fowwow them inthide aftew we finawy fownd it. the person at the dethk athkd uth wut we were wookin for. they thaid for a gold per topik they wud find all the thtuff for uth tho we athkd them to find a bunch of thtuff. i athkd for a few thingth mythelf. now we jutht gotta wait for them to come bak with all of it.