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Mon 27th Sep 2021 11:57

5. The Thunder Rolls

by Rory Emberscale

soooo... wondaline towd uth all abowt dat buk she fownd and it thoundth wike hooever rited it ith a bad perthon cuz they wanna kill and thtuff and thath not gud. sortafine thayth ith got magic in it to. iono what to think abowt that cuz it can be gud or bad or both. all i no ith thothe thquiggwy wines meen thumthin!
n e way we bin walkin now for a wooong time and ith thartin to git bwown and dwy inthtead of gween and wocky wike befowe. felisk thayth it uthed to be gween but ith bin turnin thith way for a while. weerd.
now dereth a thtorm movin in and ith waining and witening and thundewing and bwowing wind but not waining all that much. wondawine thaw thome peepol or thumthin fowwowin uth tho we dethide to git to hier gwound for thafety. thin we fot thome orks widing pigs and wufs and we won and cuked the giant pig and made bakin and pork winds. IT WATH THOOO GUD OH MAN U SHUD HAVE HAD THOME IT WATH THO KWIPTHY AND TATHTY!!! mmm mmm mmm. matilda ate thome that wuthnt dun yet tho she got thick for wike to days and i fewt bad for her cuz she didnt git to ekthperni... ekspirince... feel how gud it wath wike uth. mabee nektht time matilda.
we had fun that nite but thothe pigth weawy made me mith home cuz they weminded me of the thwee wittle pigth game we pwayed at thkul wif my fwinds. u no wike won of the pigth went to the markat and the other one went home or watevr. i hope my famiwee and fwinds are doin ok. i think abowt dem all de tyme. gold aksd me abowt y i wath thad and i towd him and he weawy theemed to care wich made me feel beter. im tho happy to have these new fwinds. i dont think wondaline wiketh me much yet but the otherth theem ok with me. i dont no how to help them vewy gud but they alwayth theem to no how to help me. dwaugnir new wut he wath doin win he put me with them even if it mint gettin taked away fwom my home tho i gess thath thomethin to be thankful for.
feliks towd uth we shud tawk to thomewon called bawdazar glit or thomethin abowt dat buk wondaline hath. heth a powurfel wizzerd in awtdorf. and he thaid we shud twy to find osloya pimento or hooever iono im not gud wit nameth. he thaid we shud aks her abowt the buk too. sheth in care fark but we gotta watch owt cuz she can be wude.
we keep wokin awong thith twail and we find a cart that wookth wike it got nocked over or thomethin. gold and me get cwother and thin we thee to peepol wun away wike we thcared them away. they wan into the wuds away fwom the cart. there ith bwood neer the ded hortheth and thereth bwood in the bak of the cart wit thome close and chethts. we altho fownd a ded wady neerby and she had a wetter on her. i caint wead it tho we wet wondaline weed it. it thaid thomethin abowt her thithter wath wating for her in awtdorf. well sheth not gonna make it to awtdorf untorfunat... ufnornatur... wich ith thad. wondaline bewwied her and gave her thome wights or thomethin iono cuz i dont underthtand. she had thome gold on her tho weel make sure to give that to her thithter ifnwin we find her.
well n e way we keep walkin and finawwy we fownd the fwont gaits of care farke. we maid it!