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Sat 11th Sep 2021 05:43

2. Onward and Inward

by Rory Emberscale

soooo... now were meating with the prints but all i can thee are thome reawwy cool wookin' gemth that gwow. how neet! he hath a big chair but itth all carved up and wookth weird. he doethnt wook at anybody but gold and grotesk pwobabwy becauth they dorfs wike him. awso he waffs weird. thewe ith a lady dorf that theemth to jutht hang owt ovew there. she hath a buk awound her neck. she mutht wike weeding.
the hole time grotke and glod awe tawking to de dorf prints im just keeping a i on the awea to make shore nuthin' gonna happin. i dont undewthand wat they thaying anyway. mathria and woldanine awe thanding nektht to me. i thtill knead to no y wonlandine doethnt eet or dwink or thweep or poop. she even thaid thomething about fwatuwes... fatwutens... fawting wyle they wath tawkin to tha pwints. i towd her ive ben pathing gath wike thwee timeth and wet me tell ya, my thniffer ith workin' WEAWWY GUD today but i aint thmewwing anything fwom wondaline. i think even maziwa ith awtho thuscthip... supthisth... agweeth that wonladine ith weird. but we thtill wike her heeling.
wong thtowy thort, beggalar wets uth path thru the mowntin and ith all gud. we get are weppinth bak and the wady dorf giveth uth thome beer. it wath tho gud that mathria dwunk the hole thang wight in fwont of madga the wady dorf! the west of uth feel gwate but she ith having a bad tyme.
gorkte wookth at the map he got fwom madgad and we off on anuther avdent... adnvetu... nadvetr... qwest! and boy it ith THOOPER dawk down hear. we got thome wanternth to help uth thee but it onwy heps tho much. and oh yah, we dethided we thould hepp adlred and the farry nites or whatever they cawwed i dont wemember ed zachary.
i cant thee muth down hewe but fwom what evwybody elf thayth theys thome BIG DORS in these hallth. it thmellth wike badneth and deth thometimeth. and thewe wath even a thcweeming wady that weawwy cweept me owt. THEN SHE FLUE THRU UTH AND GAVE ME GOOTH BUMS!!!
anyway we dethide to camp fow da nite witch ith wieird becauth you cant even thee the thun fwom in here but here we are. nite nite.