soooo... nuthin' happind threw the nite essept dwaugnir thtarted tawkin to me. at leatht thath hoo i thought it wath. thith place ith thtill giving me the cweepth but im thtarting to come awound to it i think. thortafine cleend up matilda weal gud and even made her wook better with thome make up. now win she wages she will wook gud thwingin dat ask!
we all tawked with wondaline abowt hoo she ith and wher she caim fwom. she doethnt wemembew awot fwom befor she woke up in a boks wike a year ago but she doeth wemembew a nome hewping her owt awong a woad. ith kinda weerd tho becauth she cant rembmewer much but she nose how to speek jutht fine. i toad her i wath thorry for athkin her abowt if she pooped or not becauth i didnt wealithe she went thru tho much in the patht. she mutht have akthepted my aplogiy becauth she heeld me today! i fink were making pwogweth!
we fot thome goblinth and won orc and we wath doin gud but then these wat doods popped up fwom behind the gobwins and we had to take cawe of dem too. i thet dem on far and gold and matilda pwetty much took em down. we thru thome of there bodees down tha hole tho maybe no more can come up. so dat wath fun.
gortek showd uth da wae to the nektht awea. we thaw anuther HYOOGE woom with bildings that were only pawt of the way conthtipat... conthumbal... conthentwat... finishd. we awtho thaw a thmall thweem with thome gween thparkly thtuff in it. gortke thaid thith thtuff ith whath cauthin all tha pwobwemth and cowwection down here tho im not gunna tuch it.
we find a plathe to thleep for the nite. win we wake up wondaline heerth thome muthic comin fwom the wall. i dont heer it but thomewon mutht be enjoyin themthelfs!
we keep goin and now we in a big woom with lawge muthwooms. they pwobabwy conthtipated with tha gween thtuff too tho we dont tuch them. wondaline thaid she thaw a wall move tho me and gold and wondaline go chek it owt. gold thru a wok at it AND IT CAME AWIVE AND THTARTED THWARMIN HIM AND HE DWOPT HITH TOWCH AND TOOK OFF WUNNING. i pikt it up but then THEY THTARTED THWARMIN ME NOW THO I THWOW THE TOWCH INTO THE THTWEEM wich got wid of em. all in a dayth wurk for wowy embewscawe!
we keep goin into tha mowntin and find a thmall woom to thleep in. they ith wots of bwue woks that wite up. neet! duwing the nite we heer foot thtepth comin fwom the dors. we get weddy and BOOM dey open and thereth thome mowe wat men! we take em down pwetty quik. i dethide to wook out fo more but i dont no why becauth i cant thee in the dawk n e way but more of dem thee me tho now we gotta fite even mowe wat men. it wath fun but were pwobably tierd now thinth it happind in the middel of the nite.
well bak to bed for uth!