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Sat 22nd Oct 2022 09:40

26. I've Been Everywhere, Man

by Rory Emberscale

sooo... fwaya dethided to uthe her maje hand thpel to thwow a wock into tha portel to thee wat wud happin and thin she thent her famiwiar thru it. she thot she cud thee what he thaw and heer wut he herd but win he wint thru the portle she cudnt thee or here n e thing wike it cut him off fwom her or thomethin. that thoundth thcawy to me. twevow thaid we shud jutht go bak to tha gliden iwon n tell them wat we fownd. befowe we new it tho fwaya dethided to thtep thwu the poretl and she jutht dithpaper... dithapeeder... we cudnt thee her n e more. gold and sortafine wint aftew her but me and twevow thtayd bak for a minnit. i towd him i wath goin in to pwotect them but befowe that i towd him he shud uthe the wockie tockie to call drydaryuth to weport evweything to tha iwon. thin i wint thwu the proetl to.
on thith thide of the portal it wookth THUPER WEERD and i dont no where we awe. thomeone thaid it wookth wike we r on a athtewoid or thomethin i dont no wat that ith but ith wike nite time hear but they arent any thtarth or n e thing ith jutht dark all awound. ekthept for thith new portel. thith one doethnt wook wike the one we jutht wint thru to get here thith one ith fwashing a buncha diffwent colorth weel fatht. thin we thee twevow come thwu and im gwad to thee he made it. i akthd him if he got ahold of dayrdaruyth and he thaid yeth but he thaid he thaid we owe him a wife det. i think thath a bit much thinthe all he gotta do ith talk to thomeone wike cmon thath nuthin man but wutever.
fwaya thent up her baddy bat to wook awownd but he ithnt abel to find much it jutht wookth wike we r in a cwater or thomethin. tho we thtawt dithcuthing tha powtal and wut we shud do. i caim up with a idea that we cud ty a wope awoend me and i wud go thwu thith new portal. but thin i thot becuth ith fwashing a buncha colorth that mabee sortafine or thomeone cud make me a diffwent color to thee wat wud happin. i thot mabyee gween wud be a good choithe cuz were we jutht came fwom had gween gwath and tweeth but gold thaid mabee jutht go with wed inthted becuz im alweddy wed mothtwy. tho i wath wike ya thath a gud ideea tho i had sortafine paint me wed. thin i wath wike wat if wed meenth fier tho i uthed my abiwity to make me imyoon to fier for a bit jutht incathe and then we tide the wope awound me and off i wint.
i towd them i wud tug on the wope a cupple of tiemth tho they new i wath ok but win i wint thwu the wope jutht got cut. thath not gud. well i lookd up at what i cud thee and it deffinitewy didnt wook wike n e pwathe i bin to before. thith pwathe had a pink thky and bwue gween fog and a pink gwound and the bildingth i cud thee wookd kinda evil or thomethin. thith pwathe kinda weminded me of cotin candy akshuwwy. i didnt thtay wong enuf to tathte it to find owt tho hahaha.
well i dethided aftre abowt a minit that i wud thtep bak thru the portel to go bak and tell the otherth wat i thaw. well gueth wat it didnt take me back to them inthted it tuk me bak to were we came fwom in the gwove with the big metal woof and the giant wed portle. thath thuper weerd but at weatht i figgerd going thwu thith one wud definitwy take me bak to the wetht of the gwoop tho i wint thwu it agin.
shure enuff there they wath waitin for me. i towd them evwything i thaw and wat happind. evwyone thaid that they wud all thtep thwu awtho but we shud twy without making uth diffwent colorth. tho thay made me nowmal agin and we wint thwu. of corthe i ekthpekted to go to a diffwent pwathe cuz i wathnt wed n e more and it turnth owt i mita bin wite abowt that.
we all wint thwu abowt the thame time but i wath in a new pwathe agin but a diffwent new pwathe and i didnt thee n e body elthe ekthept twevow. thith aint gud. thith tiem i wath in a pwathe with thome fwoting mowtinth and the thky wath all bwue and puwpel and their wath a big thircel portal wookin thing way out there but i didnt wanna thtay here to wong becauth we thaid we were gonna go thwu the powtal until we git bak to are own world. tho i wint thwu agin but i wint to thith thame pwathe but thith tiem sortafine wath with me inthted of twevow. thith ith weawy metthin with my hed but onethtwy thath not hawd to do. i told sortafine that i wath jutht with twevow but now heth gone. sortafine thaid he wath thomewere elthe to and we shud go thwu agin tho we did.
thith time it wath me and sortafine agin but now were in a fiery pwathe wike i wath afwaid of. thith pwathe had thome wike battelfeeld or thomethin and it wookd wike there wath a HUUUGE THORD thtuck in tha gwownd. that wath cool but i dont wanna thtay hewe eether tho i akthd thortafine if he cud make me wed agin jutht to help tetht my theewy. i thaid he shud do the thame but i dont think he did. we made me wed and i wint thwu the portal agin.
now i think im onto thomethin cuz i wint to the thame cottin candy pwathe i did the firtht tiem win i wath wed. ekthept thith tiem win i twied to go bak thwu the portel i jutht wint wite bak to the coton candy agin. i dont no wath goin on but im jutht wike i no thith powtal shud take me back to are home pwathe tho i wint thwu one mowe time and popd up back home in the gwove in fwont of the big wed powtal.
finawy im bak and i thee evewywon elthe but i dont thee fwaya. we waited a bit and finawy she popd up but she wookd vewy tierd wike she had bin wunnin for a wile. she thaid sheth exhauthtid and needth to wetht tho we wint bak to tha cave and wethted.
wat a weerd day.