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Tue 27th Feb 2024 04:43

25/02/24 - Session 34

by Ruin

Met the spider people like the teachers wanted. They’re a weird mixture of taking everything seriously and wanting to have fun new experiences. Taking their fun seriously? I don’t know. They think they're having trouble fitting in because they have difficulty telling people apart and they feel out of place. But they keep a bunch of nerdy journals like most people here so they can't be that different to everyone else. Maybe they’d been willing to trade for a look at the helpful book on common phrases I have. They seem cool enough apart from the favour I somehow owe them for letting them drink my ale.
If they ask for anything too strenuous I’m going to ignore them though, or pretend I'm someone else with grey skin. I’m still fucking sore from where that stupid statue kept hitting me. Malnar and Illiara managed to escape without getting hit once, I’m really not surprised. At least Cualli was at my side. Can’t I break down a door without consequences around here?
The storage rooms I broke into are kind of interesting. Big snakes, skunks, rats, secret doors, curses. A dead snake person that isn’t a divine one (whatever that means) or Illiara’s mother. Which apparently means there might be others impersonating a teacher? I’m writing this instead of speaking in case there’s something else lurking behind the doors listening. This school is getting weirder and weirder but I’ll find out the truth. I’m good at that.