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Sat 15th Oct 2022 07:41

02/10/22 - Session 10

by Ruin

This is Ruin. I wanted to say thanks for your assistance earlier. I can’t promise I’ll make the oathday class because I’m real busy but since you were helpful with Ulawa I’ll try. On a completely different unrelated note, I wanted to know if the school has something I’m told is called a “complaints or disciplinary process”? Not that I’ll need it right now but just in case.
Also, friendly warning, if you don’t already lock your office door when you leave you should probably think about it. Anyone and anything can just walk into these buildings, like cats. Or snakes.
We had to kill a giant snake on top of the spire dormitory roof last night when it was after a chicken familiar. It had a whole bunch of magical shit inside it but I don’t know if it was attracted to magic things or if those were the only things it couldn’t digest. Still. Something to watch out for. It did taste really good though.
Huh. I guess I should get Illiara a birthday present in return.