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Mon 29th Jul 2024 03:29

28/07/24 - Session 46

by Ruin

Found the gang stealing from street performers in record time and people have been so impressed with how fast we get things done. As they should be. We don’t just sit around and talk about it unlike some people.
A paragraph on Janatimo has been scribbled through angrily.
ANYWAY. Knocked one robber out, nearly got another but then Cualli got clubbed unconscious so I had to get serious. Killed the next and Malnar did some fiddling with locks but by the time we got through the door the leader of the group had already been killed by someone else. Neat work too: through the spine to paralyse, across the face to disorient, limbs removed, and a partial decapitation. Professional. I was kind of impressed. Hopefully the elf we took alive will be able to tell us what the fuck is going on and if it’s really the work of that frog gang.
It’s becoming clear to me though that I need to get even stronger if I’m ever going to reach that dragon, never mind defeat it. And maybe the school isn’t doing enough for me at the moment. They’re keen to encourage diplomatic solutions and “personal development” which I get but I could be more likely to find the strength I’m looking for with other groups if they can pull something like today off.

The druids said there was a right way of doing things though and I don’t want to lose what I have. So maybe it’s not worth it. We did find a lot of gold this time which might help and maybe this fancy party will actually do something too. Although I don’t trust the gleam in Illiara’s eyes when she heard about it.
Whatever. I have more important things to think about than fancy clothes.