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Wed 5th Apr 2023 11:50

02/04/23 - Session 24

by Ruin

I’ve been busy. So many minor injuries and repairs to fix around the place, barely had time for anything else. I still find it hard to believe that bugs could do that much damage. Good job they cancelled classes, I’m learning more outside of them than I do in class anyway.
Talking to people is really easy now. Chizire said he wasn’t a murderer but admitted to cheating on his exams, although everyone knew that already. The others though… I didn’t really give it much thought before, thought I had all of them figured out but apparently Malnar has been playing a game with me since we met? I didn’t know I was playing but now that I do I’m going to win. Cualli already knows the answer, whatever it is, I think if I push harder he’ll tell me.
I’ve got one over him though, with Illiara. That was a surprise. I shouldn’t write it down here, I guess, so she’s definitely an elf. Yeah.
Everyone promised they weren’t secretly a dragon, not that I really care if they are, I could probably take them. But still, it’s nice to hear. Except that kid Cualli and Malnar have adopted suggested that if we were in a story that I would turn out to be the dragon.
I shouldn’t let it bother me, what would a kid like that know? He’s good at sneaking and ignoring lectures on morality but that doesn’t mean he knows anything about me. Although… he did the psycho thing where you analyse people’s thoughts and actions and it was funny hearing what he had to say about the others. When it came to me he mentioned anger and didn’t want to bring up anything else.
I don’t think so??? But then there’s the fire when I’m really angry. Someone did call me grabby today too, was that the possessiveness the druids warned me about? Did Tariku already know, is that why he tried pushing me towards research instead of revenge? I almost want to talk to him. No, not almost. If he was here I would.