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Mon 8th Apr 2024 11:55

07/04/24 - Session 39

by Ruin

Today was a good day.
I mean, I almost died again and so did Malnar but that’s becoming normal around here. None of us were permanently injured at least as Teacher Ot did his wavy hand magic healing and we did a pretty good job of the whole animals running loose thing.
Threw some tigers back into a cage, stole some birdseed for the emu to have later, found the pick used to unleash the griffons on the spider people, and baited a leaping goat demon into making eye contact with a basilisk after Illiara warned me about it. Hah. I trusted that the others had my back to finish the job when I went down and, what do you know, I did wake up.
Even the teachers are starting to notice how great I am, I’ve been “promoted” to conversant. We've been promoted. With fancy dinners and speeches and more people to invite. I guess Cualli and Malnar will invite half the school again and maybe their families but I can’t think of anyone else I’d want there.
The teachers will definitely be there though and I want to keep a closer eye on Janatimo. There’s something unsettling about him and I’m not sure what it is. I let him have the pick so he thinks I can be easily controlled but it takes more than rum cake to put me off the scent. I got a good enough look at that handle that I don't need it anyway. Watch out snake people.
This promotion suits me though. Less time in class, more time having fun fights? I should have been doing this from the beginning.