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Mon 7th Nov 2022 12:02

06/11/22 - Session 14

by Ruin

With friends.
That's what Illiara called the group when I woke up. Is that what we are? I don't know what friends are supposed to do, never needed any. I guess they patch each other up. She and Malnar had ended up taking some damage for once, pesky bug bites. They weren't being babies about it exactly but they were keen for me to clean out the wounds. Looks like all that book reading hasn't given them any practical skills. I'm sure they'll learn some fancy magic substitute for it soon enough. Malnar was the better patient, sitting quietly in the corner while he focused on something outside the room. Illiara kept interfering with my tools. Maybe they didn't look clean but I know what I'm doing with them.
The whole time Cualli was doing a lot of hand waving and mumbling in a language I didn't understand but I felt better after. The others didn't seem to believe that I could have kept going without it. I mean, even when I was unconscious I would have dragged myself back eventually. I'm not going to be killed by bugs of all things.
We managed to find most of the books that Ot wanted. And a shiny key. He's pretty concerned about the bug problem and suggested checking the fireplaces in the library. I'm not keen on going back, I have more important things to think about like the upcoming tournament. Time to really let loose.
*a strip of paper has been torn off the bottom of the page*