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Mon 21st Nov 2022 12:15

20/11/22 - Session 15

by Ruin

I had a dream.
I remember all of it for once. No fire, so it must be like the other one, the one at the ruins with the upside-down rain. More of an omen than a memory.
There were a bunch of blobs I couldn’t recognise and they wouldn’t be intimidated into becoming any clearer. They were panicking, something about bees and dying. I’ve memorised the shape of the tunnel though. I don’t think it was like that place under the school but I might go poke around anyway.
I won’t ask the rest of my group if they want to join me, they’ve been busy fussing over a child they found at the library. I don’t know what the problem is, he’s been surviving for this long just fine. I doubt I was ever as weedy as that but I couldn’t even talk when I was his height and I turned out great.
… I guess I’m still occasionally having problems with talking though. Communication is hard. People are stupid.
The old guy I spoke to with the dog called Jet seemed to get me. He gave me a sword, had some interesting warnings about shapeshifters and apparently dragons can look like people? I’ll need to investigate this further. It might mean going into a library...
Tournament first.