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Tue 14th Feb 2023 01:14

29/01, 05/02, 12/02 - Sessions 19, 20, 21

by Ruin

I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight.
The day started off pretty good. We had a ton of breakfast and were assigned a stretch of tunnels to examine while the teachers stayed safe on the surface. Co-ord-in-a-ting they said. Suited me. Ulawa said our tunnels were particularly dangerous, they'd had to pull out some other students but she doubted we'd do much better. I don't know if she underestimates everyone or if we're just special but she'll see. I'll make her.
So yeah, water, mushrooms, markings, what I assume is standard tunnel stuff. There was a room of fancy traps with centipede legs that could come in useful if I can be bothered to work out how to put it together. Smashed through some walls, killed a bunch of gremlin things. I think the others are trying to adopt another one but she's clearly not much of a threat and was impressed with my strength so I don't really care either way.
Illiara gave me a magic bag. Malnar stumbled around in the darkness, trying to make a map. Cualli has been worried the whole time, as usual, but he's got a cat to help him manage it now. They all got messed up by bees though. Little fuckers basically ignored me to go for the weakest first. I guess that's why they'd targeted Ignasi. Turns out that he and the spider woman Strands were the ones from my dream all those weeks ago, dying from an allergic reaction. Funny how I didn't recognise their voices but then I suppose I haven't really paid any attention to them before.
Ignasi didn't listen to me telling him not to freak out but Cualli calmed him down. Malnar helped with the equipment and Illiara recited stuff she'd read somewhere but I actually did all the work. It was a struggle though, for a while I didn't think he was going to make it despite my skill but we got them out in one piece. I had to heal everyone else afterwards too, but that was easier. They're getting... familiar. I'm used to them.
I don't know what to do with that.
Of course, it couldn't all be that smooth. There was a cave in and I had to make my way, blind, through a cloud of ash and smoke to the other side. It felt like I was in that room for a lot longer than I think I actually was. Didn't have time to feel the panic before Binji was yelling at me about not separating from the others. I'm starting to feel it now though, now that the fight against the chief enforcer and his fly is over. The scars fucking itch where the ash was touching me. Or that could be the drying blood.
I still have work to do, stone people to kill. I'll keep going.