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Mon 3rd Jun 2024 11:23

02/06/24 - Session 44

by Ruin

Remember: ask Ignasi where he got that hangover potion from because it’s been very useful so far and I’m going to need more of it in the future. Took Chizire out drinking with the Chime Ringers to cheer him up and it worked. At leasat, his mood was definitely improved the next morning when I found him hanging out with Leo.
Leo had some useful info for a job that the talkative teacher had given us. Janatimo says he’s still working on the other thing but I feel like I should be doing more. Investigating these robberies people have been taking about is… fine… but isn’t the other stuff more important?
The others don’t seem as concerned though, so it’s probably okay. I guess the city does need someone to sort it out. I’m really thinking about kicking down this mayor person’s door and telling them to get their shit together. Maybe that’s another date activity.