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Fri 27th Jan 2023 11:03

22/01/23 - Session 18

by Ruin

Finished my mask. It looks good, more intimidating than a lot of the others. I mean really. Cats, foxes, rabbits? I keep staring at the light on Illiara's though.
The ceremony took such a long time to get through everybody, I was getting restless sitting still for so long. Meant I easily heard the grinding/buzzing from around the room and I told Malnar about it but he didn't seem too concerned so I tuned it out. Good thing I did, a bunch of bugs burst into the hall after we finished our masks to provide more entertainment. They were pretty easy to take care of, didn't even get a scratch and the guests helped fight them off too. I thought the school were supposed to be investigating this, why were there so many?
Going into the tunnels tomorrow to follow up. Reminds me of that dream I had, the one with the blobs and the bees and I should probably mention it to the others. Not that orc guy though, he was annoying. I think he's Cualli's family??
Ze was also annoying. Okoro's brother.
I don't want to write about it. Lot to think about though.