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Mon 17th Oct 2022 12:12

16/10/22 - Session 12

by Ruin

Teacher Ot suggested keeping a journal to help practice writing and shit. So here we are.
Druids made me do the same thing years ago but I think that was mostly for meditation reasons. Don't think it helped much. I don't know what happened to the papers either, I probably ended up burning them or at least I hope I did. Tariku better not have kept them. ... I suppose I don't really need to explain who the druids are if this writing is only for me. This'll probably just end up in the fire too anyway.
So. What to write about. Bugs have been bugging people. Ha. All over campus. You'd think they'd be used to that living in a jungle city and all but apparently these are more unusual. Beetles chewing strange magic patterns into bark. Swarms of centipedes in the kitchens. Don't know if it's stone ghost related but can't be a total coincidence. Can't wait for it to find a new body so I can hit it and not these weak things it sends in its place.
Talking about weak things... turns out taking centipede pincers out of someone's skin is kind of relaxing. When I stitch myself up I just get irritated that it takes so long but stabbing someone else? I could do that again. I'll probably have to if I want to keep my group alive for the rest of the year. Cualli did have some kind of magic hand thing he was chanting but the others hovered uselessly. I don't think they can even see in the dark.
I guess I am pretty fucking special.
Gave Illiara the best gift, dodged Malnar's arrow, finished off the centipedes myself, healed Cualli, did a great song for the crowd across the water when I was still half asleep and impressed someone important(?), beat Haibram into the ground at sparring, nailed the ritual for a magical messaging tattoo, stunned Anchor Root with my nature knowledge and could even tell the difference in 'vibes' when she showed me two bones without any training. That was an interesting conversation but I don't think I'll get much else out of her.
I do wonder what kind of song my bones would sing if they'd been recording though. If they weren't ash.