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Fri 28th Oct 2022 02:34

23/10/22 - Session 13

by Ruin

Being a teacher seems easy. You stand around talking about stuff you know for a few hours a day and get the students to find things or research for you. Why bother cleaning up the bugs from campus when it could be a ‘learning experience’ for others. If my group have already done tasks for three different teachers imagine how many other groups they’re making do stuff too. Although, as long as they keep feeding me, I don’t really care what we do.
I won’t beat around the bush, a teaching job like that would be as right as rain. Easy as pie. You can say that again.
… pie is really easy to eat, I’ll give them that, but what’s with the other stupid phrases? Illiara wrote a bunch out and apparently you’re not actually doing anything to a bush? And people don’t want you to say anything again, they just agree. Now I think about it I might have overreacted to someone telling me to break a leg the other day. Things would be much easier if people actually said what they mean.