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Wed 31st Jan 2024 11:37

28/01/24 - Session 32

by Ruin

My head hurts.
Why can’t people ever speak plain Mwangi, they seem to make up new words every day. Like die-coto-me. About not wanting to eat too much for fear of being sick? I don’t know, it wasn’t in the stuff Illiara wrote down for me. Just get a stronger stomach.
Janatimo, the teacher, asked a lot of questions too. About what we think and how. Trying to make us think more deeply about the griffon attacks. Cualli and Malnar were eager to explain everything but I was more interested in what he was writing about us in that book. He seemed to be able tell a lot about us, he did agree that I could be a professor so maybe he does know things.
He also wanted us to be more welcoming. Something about making the skittish spider people feel more at home and giving tasks to new students. I have a great idea for that but someone should probably tell Anchor Root. She seemed to disturb some of the others with her talk of paying people to chop their arms off and taste them. I don’t know why they’re so worried. We could fight her off easy if she tries anything.
It ended with the teacher giving us a crown that you bow to people with and made what I think was a joke about it sucking out the wearer’s soul. I’ll keep an eye on Cualli just in case since he’s going to wear it, looks like a complicated gift.
Despite all the things attacking the school, the teachers getting us to do all their work for them, so many people not being what they appear to be, I am enjoying it here. People keep giving me food. Chizire asked someone to get him salmon while he catnapped and they just did with no complaints. Maybe I’ll try that next time. He better not have drunk all my ale though.