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Sun 19th Dec 2021 10:01

My new friends

by Kit

Hi Jer
I have not thought about you for a while - there has been so much happening. It feels like a week but it is still only the same day. Things got even hairier today! I lost count of the number of creatures that came at us. This group I am "hanging" with is all so impressive - in different ways. I had fun.
Arman, the one with the gentle smile, uses magic quite a bit. He created this big dirt hand out of nothing that held our hostage so he could not escape. The hostage has these big eyes that dart everywhere - he will definitely visit my nightmares later. Hopefully, we will get some information that will help the party get some answers to what they are looking for. I do not understand exactly what they need yet but when I do, I can hopefully help. Arman can also identify the properties of different magical items. Turns out some of the loot we secured is magical!
There was this really strong creature that almost took Viridian down ... but not quite! V is a powerhouse - which just shows you how strong the creature was. Doc, the guy who makes everyone feel better, landed the killing blow (which V looked pissed about). Doc not only deals damage but also heals people. I was feeling pretty weak but not trying to show it when Doc did the thing he does and I felt a warm, peaceful glow (similar to memories of my mom) and then most of my strength returned. He has such an amazing talent - a gift.
I kept throwing the dagger and then having to find it, so Mr Revven gave me a light crossbow to use and I quickly got the hang of it. I do not know how to describe my feelings for Lhoris (which is what the others call him). I get very clumsy around him much as you do around someone you admire very much. But that is not the right word and I am a little too tired to come up with the right one.
I did have a totally Kit moment when I fell from a rickety bridge but luckily only Alduin saw me and I hope he is too much of a gentleman to mention it. Alduin fights with many different weapons and he is super stealthy it seems. I can learn a lot from him. He also came to my rescue today when some creatures snuck up on me unexpectedly and I was a little out of my depth.
Today, for the first time in a long time, I feel alive and present. I am starting to think about tomorrow again.
Miss you still
Kit and Mouse 9
PS: You have never lived till you see a Barbarian wearing the face of one of his kills wink at you! I think I blushed and peed myself at the same time.