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Mon 4th Jul 2022 02:34

Regret and shame

by Kit

Dear Karametra
I am a mess right now.
I have given Nylea's bow to Lhoris. It was not easy. In the process, I lost a friend but managed to pay a debt.
Let us start with the debt. When I was younger, Lhoris found me beaten and bleeding in an alley. He saved me and is the reason I am alive today. So, it should have been easy to hand over the bow to him, right? Not so much. I coveted that bow - wanted so desperately to use it. Apparently, its name is Ephixis, but I had already renamed it Lucy (don't tell Nylea when you see her). On watch one night, Lhoris and I discovered that he had extra abilities with the bow because of his bond with Nylea. It made me resent him a little. It was all a little strange too. When Lhoris attuned to Lucy, it felt like there was a hole in my soul. When he returned it, I felt whole. I thought this was Nylea telling me to keep it. (As an aside, I wish you would all communicate a little better - no offense).
The night Lhoris rescued me, I made a vow that I would pay back his kindness. That was never going to be easy, because Lhoris never asks for anything. He even told me to keep Nylea's bow, even though I could tell that he wanted it too.
When Nylea's bow first appeared, I was not even around. Viridian, thinking it would be perfect for me (the bow is my weapon of choice), took it and generously gave me something that is beyond value and worth more than anything he has ever touched. Before I returned the bow to Lhoris, I told Viridian that I was going to do it. Karametra, I have never seen him look so broken and sad. Viridian is a proud man and it was like I just spat on him. I hate myself right now. I knew that he would react that way and I did it anyway. I did THAT to the person alive I feel closest to, in this world and the other one. That is why I feel I have paid my debt to Lhoris in full.
I no longer feel incomplete without Lucy but I do get feel an overwhelming sense of regret at times. But it pales in comparison to my shame at the hurt I have caused. I have no idea how I am going to fix this, or even if I can.
Sorry, that was all about me AGAIN. I hope you are well. Shout if you need me. Thank you for all you have done for me - I hope to make you proud.
PS - I made a new friend. Her name is Trixiana - she is kind of cool. But I would trade her back for Viridian in a heartbeat.
PPS - Dok and Trixi seem close which is nice to see - his grunts are not as gruff with her.