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Wed 6th Jul 2022 10:02

Endless days

by Kit

Dear Mom
I wish you were still around. I could use a hug and for someone to tell me everything will be ok.
The days seem longer than normal and the trip to Edessa feels neverending. I am also not getting much sleep at night. Dok and Trixi seem to be stuck at the hip (though Trixiana is anything but quiet), Viridian is still not talking to me and I have been avoiding Lhoris.
I feel a little lonely. Arman has been great but he asked me to tell him when I see our party acting out of character but that seems a little disloyal. Besides, everyone is acting weird. Including me. I need to snap out of it.
PS I saw Lucy in action against some Cyclops - she is incredible. I swear I heard the bow sing when Lhoris used her.