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Tue 18th Jan 2022 06:20

Still waters

by Kit

Dear Jer
I once told you how envious I felt when the kids at the orphanage found homes – they always looked so hopeful and happy. I think I now know how they felt. Lhoris, Viridian, Doc, Arman and Mizzlyn make me feel like I am part of something. Together, we are called the Diamond Blades. How frikken fierce does that sound!
We were in Greyhawk and I went to visit your mom and brought her some of those Elderberry fruit dumplings she loves. I could see she was proud that I had remembered her advice to never visit anyone without bringing baked goods. Mama Esther at the Bakery put a little something extra in the dumplings that helps to lift moods. It was probably sugar but it worked like magic and she seemed a lot happier after she had eaten them. Your mom misses you something terrible...
Viridian just disappeared for two days and then he arrived back this morning bearing thoughtful and expensive gifts for everyone…even Lhoris! My working theory is that he got lucky somewhere and wanted to share the afterglow. Or maybe we are growing on him.
Let me tell you what I got!!
I got this amazing pouch that looks empty. Viridian mentioned something about spices which made me think about the saffron your mom put in your birthday stew. When I said the word out loud, a pinch of saffron appeared. I tried salt, pepper and cinnamon too. They just appeared right there between my fingers. Then I ran out of spice names. I might sneak into a library and go research spice names. I am sure there are a few more.
Viridian also gave me a ferret named Carrot, a rabbit and a guinea pig. The rabbit and guinea pig are very cute, but Carrot is my favourite. He is scrappy, has tons of attitude and keeps biting me. Last night, I tried to cuddle with him and ended up with a bloody, inflamed lip. Your mom once told me that there is more to all living creatures than what you can see - IF you bother to look. I think that is true of Viridian too.
We met two of the Circle of Eight and Lhoris told them all about our adventures. Mr Otto made me a little mad when he ate all the scones I had brought for tea. I did consider stopping him, but I blinked and all that remained were crumbs on his robe - it was both horrifying and impressive at the same time. It reminded me of the Bugbear eating the Ape meat. Otto is very sarcastic, but he has a very naughty sparkle in his eye - I cannot help but think he likes us a lot but maybe I have it wrong. I did not quite catch the other guy's name (I know it rhymes with Fucktard) but will ask Lhoris about it later as he knows a lot about everything.
We are now on another mission for Allustan who challenged our group to some riddles tonight. I did try, but they were hard. Even with the answers, I only managed to understand them after thinking about them later that night. Riddles are quite clever. I think I will ask Doc if he has some for me to practice with – Doc got the one that I battled with most. Later, while everyone else was sleeping, Mizzlyn and I did a guard shift together. We did not say much to each other, but I think we both needed the silence after the last few days of crazy. I do want to ask him more about himself but I will look for another opportunity.
Till my next adventure.
Kit, Carrot & the Others
PS I might get a tattoo. Arman told us about the lineage tattoos on his back and what they represent. He is far from his clan at the moment, but I think the tattoos may remind him that his clan will never be far from him.