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Tue 10th May 2022 03:39

Abandonment issues

by Kit

Dear Ma
You are never going to be a grandmother. Even if I could still have kids, I am not sure I would want to expose anyone to a world that does not embrace differences. Today was not the first time I was called a halfbreed and I have built up a resistance to it. But to be dismissed so easily makes me angry. And not just me - the elves dismissed Viridian, Dok and Arman too. If those are the types of followers that Nylea attracts, she is not the patron for me. I may not have mentioned this, but I was looking for some sort of greater meaning in this new world and I stupidly considered getting some answers from one of the many gods here.
I have not given up on finding my father but this is not the place for that. I want to believe he is the one who called me Kitty Kat and that it was an affectionate name, but it may just be wishful thinking. Did he leave us cause we were different? Did having a halfbreed child embarrass him? I may never know.
Lhoris is back. It does not look like he meant to abandon us, but I am guarding my heart a little more. And sulking. Oh, and I threw a strawberry tart at him. It felt good at the time, but now I keep wondering if it tasted as good as it looked.
Arman, Viridian and I fought the Lord Champion today in a friendly match-up. It did not go well. I could not see - but I did hear the moment Viridian went down and, as a result, I took a cheap shot at the Lord with my dagger. Not my finest moment. I have seen Viridian do amazing things in a fight but this is the first time he has gone down. I know both he and Arman would have pulled out all the stops, so it means we all still have something left to learn. Hopefully, I can stick around for a while to see them both become the heroes I already think they are.
I followed Viridian out of the arena and now have an eye on him. But I am thinking he probably just needs some time alone, and that I am not respecting his privacy. I should probably just head back to the tavern and get cleaned up a little. But maybe not yet...
Love Kit
PS I hope you do not see Carrot, cause that would mean he did not fare well...but if you do, tell him that I really did wish the best for him.